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Pot lickers

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Texxan1 View Post
    It is a circus out on the bays this day and age and alot of guides such as myself take a beating from others about us being guides etc etc.

    I do my best to stay the hell away from everyone out there.. Good thing for me is that i dont fish all the "community spots " that most people fish and i certainly dont potlick anyone... Its annnoying as hell and I get potlicked all the damn time. I have learned to just let it roll of my back and try and teach my customers to not be THAT GUY!!!!!! Now if my customers want to scream and yell at them, that is up to them lol.

    its tough being a good guide, as the other guides on this site know. Sometimes, it is not worth it, sometimes it is.

    I refrain from blasting anyone, whether it is guides or weekend fisherman because it just isnt worth it anymore....

    I have had other guides and fisherman that i know, potlick me when i was with customers in their boats.. Once they see me, they call me later and say " sorry bro, I wouldnt have done that if i knew that was you" which is a lame *** excuse.. You shoudl NEVER do it to anyone...

    The more we work together with other fisherman, the more fish we will actually catch...



    • #32
      Should of bounced a catch 2000 off one of their foreheads, friggen ignorant. People just don't know how to fish bro.


      • #33
        I've seen those PL at SLP launching their boat and took one slot of the launch for over 40 mins and got mad when told to move his truck. Seeing that his boat was already in the water, some people need a brick to the face!
        "It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top."

