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Anegada Report

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  • Anegada Report

    Things are ultra-quiet here now. We are between storms - Gabrielle was last weekend. It was only briefly a storm, but a low formed behind it that had the hardest rain that we have seen since Hurricane Earl in 2010. We had two solid days and nights (Wednesday and Thursday) of downpours. No one is complaining, though - it was the first real rain of the entire year. Things will be getting green, and the skeeters should be showing up about tomorrow.

    Yesterday (Saturday) afternoon was a fly-fishing treat right in front of our house. I got into a school of small jack, and was catching them just about as fast as I could land them and get my fly back into the water. The action went on for about 10 minutes or so.

    We did not see a single person or vehicle from Thursday night until last night (Saturday), which was domino night. Our friends Keith and Llewellyn come over on Saturday nights and we enjoy a couple of hours of dominoes. Sandy sat in one of those nights back in June.

    This afternoon, I took Nancy out trolling on the reef off of our house. The fish were in a biting mood - we caught somewhere over a dozen in a couple of hours - mostly horse-eye jack.

    A couple of pics...

    We came back in, tied the boat up, and I took my fly rod back out to the front yard. The fish were in a playful mood again. Nothing large - mostly palometa. I caught a dozen or so of them in about 15 minutes on my "fun rod" - a 7'6" TFO 6wt TiCRx. Here is a short video. Notice that I am fishing pretty much right next to my wife swimming (next to the Whaler). Don't worry - I have my shorts on....

    Playing around in the front yard with a 7'6" 6wt TFO TiCRx. Most of the fish are palometa.

    Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
    Houston (Clear Lake City)

  • #2
    Looks like paradise...


    • #3
      Loved learning how to play Dominos Anegada style! I still haven't found the time to write a definitive Anegada report. I wonder if I ever will. Any damage to the bars from the storms?
      From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


      • #4
        No damage. All of the bars except Neptune's Treasure and Big Bamboo are closed for the next couple of months. In fact, everything except Neptune's and Bamboo is closed. This is the quiet season. We had another day today of not seeing a soul until Keith dropped by around 7:30 tonight.

        Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
        Houston (Clear Lake City)


        • #5
          By the way, Sandy - you know that the next time we are at BR, we will be bringing dominoes...

          Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
          Houston (Clear Lake City)


          • #6
            Thanks for the report ! Enjoy !


            • #7
              Looks like a lot of fun, thanks for sharing!

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • #8
                One day Walker! Maybe Sandy and I will make a trip next time I am one jealous person right now! Enjoy and thanks for the great report and video.
                LIVIN THE SALT LIFE


                • #9
                  I have got to schedule a trip!
                  "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


                  • #10
                    it must be like a ghost town ... most of the Bahamian out islands closed up their shops and bars already, coming back October or early November. I imagine it's very similar. Sounds like fun and hey, I like flipping jacks! Take it easy.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the reports, stories and threads over the years. I have kept up with you since I first started reading your reports longer ago than either of us wants to remember. I manage to go fly fishing to Belize once or twice a year, but that nothing like living in the paradise you inhabit on a daily basis.

                      I started watching for your reports when I first heard of the internationally famous "Walker Spoon Flies." To this day if anyone wants a really killer spoon fly do a google search on Walker Spoon Flies. Follow the recipe/directions exactly as they are written and you will have the very best spoon fly available on or off the market. Don't even tell me if you didn't create that fly because by now its in my collective body of fly fishing lore that it comes from your inventiveness.

                      Would like to fish with you some day and keep thinking that I will come across your path in the west bay marsh.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jim View Post
                        Would like to fish with you some day and keep thinking that I will come across your path in the west bay marsh.
                        Let's do it - but will have to be after November 5. I have no time in Texas until then.

                        Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
                        Houston (Clear Lake City)

