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June 6, 1944

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  • June 6, 1944

    Well Crew, as the day ends, take a little time to give praise to the men that brought the fight to the Nazis.

    Today marks the 70th anniversary of the 160,000+ Allied troops storming the Nazis in Normandy, France. I can only imagine what the world would be like had Hitler gone unchallenged and able succeed in his plans. Thank God for ALL the young men willing to give it their all.

    Here is a link to a write on my good friend and neighbor, Joe. - JOE

    Here is a wonderful story of about a 93 year old vet making a second jump onto the Normandy beach - James "Pee Wee" Martin
    Last edited by buoy37; June 6, 2014, 07:20 PM.

  • #2
    Thanks for posting


    • #3
      Saw Ol PeeWEE on MSNBC today and watched him jump and land!
      Great American and humble for sure.
      Your neighbor is a great man also and you are lucky to know and talk to him!!
      They all seem to be humble and hardly ever bring up or talk about that part of their lives.
      My Navy dad was the same way and I never saw him eat rice or pasta!! I tried and tried to get him to say why. He made my mom promise to never tell me either other than she said it was his time in the military.
      She was a nurse and she is same way.
      "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


      • #4
        Originally posted by mgstei1 View Post
        Your neighbor is a great man also and you are lucky to know and talk to him!!
        I love spending time with Joe and his wife. I have developed this desire to spend time with the 75+ crowd. I sit and soak up ALL their stories like a sponge.

        The second picture of Joe in the article has him holding a picture of himself and a friend when they returned home from the war. The picture was taken at a latin club in New York city as the celebrated. The pic laying on the table just below his left hand is of Joe posing in front of a bullet riddled Nazi flag of a ship that his ship had sunk.
        Last edited by buoy37; June 6, 2014, 07:48 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by buoy37 View Post
          Well Crew, as the day ends, take a little time to give praise to the men that brought the fight to the Nazis.

          Today marks the 70th anniversary of the 160,000+ Allied troops storming the Nazis in Normandy, France. I can only imagine what the world would be like had Hitler gone unchallenged and able succeed in his plans. Thank God for ALL the young men willing to give it their all.

          Here is a link to a write on my good friend and neighbor, Joe. - JOE

          Here is a wonderful story of about a 93 year old vet making a second jump onto the Normandy beach - James "Pee Wee" Martin
          We owe them our Freedom.
          Thanks for the reminder.

