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Wild out in the bay Sunday morning , ( stuck anchor ) and skunk

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  • Wild out in the bay Sunday morning , ( stuck anchor ) and skunk

    was fishing by 9am, not to far from the clearlake channel, whitecaps just like saturday , but this time there was much more wind.
    I could not get anchor to stick much , I basically drug the bottom, nothing could not lose a shrimp or get a bite
    on anything else. Moved to my spot that I call the nurseary ( lots of little fish there,take grand kids there and score every time. ) The anchor held, nothing happening , I went out on the bow to get the anchor rope pulled up,
    this time I could not pull the boat towards it, even using the swells as a helper, nothing. in fact , I had to throw the rope in , ( i use a float ) . Motored around got lined up, grabbed the float, the wind got me turned and I could not hold on, again I threw it out. one more time with a bit more velocity, got it, made a little ground up, being carefull not to create a hazard in the deck, I tied to back cleat, started idling backwards, had to add some power and now I have water spashing pretty nicley over the transom, with some work I eventually retrieved my gear without any further drama. I was glad for a few things. I was out alone and had on PFD, I was glad, things were not going well for me, for a period of time. I was able to work the boat in some not so comfortable positions and found it worked well. Did not take any water over the sides and what water I did take over the back dissipated rapidly I was damp but not wet. I will be glad to have wify back to steer while I work.

  • #2
    Plano-never back into waves and never anchor off stern-it can sink your boat in a flash. Those football players in Florida that drowned except the one guy, backed down on anchor and aft went under, killed motor and sank/turtled boat. A old college bud of mine almost sunk his-stuck anchor, tried forward and nothing so he cleated to a rear cleat and was almost shin deep before he could even move and he wasn't backing down, he was going forward-anchor line was pulling transom under water.
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


    • #3
      How long is your anchor rope and what kind of anchor and what size boat? With the wind and strong currents always keep that anchor rope short or just enough slack to make it grab. If its attached to the bow lug that you use to winch boat up always tie off another small line about 3 feet down the anchor rope and secure that to a N---Head up near the bow so you don't have to lean over if the bow lug anchor rope is hard to reach from the bow.
      maybe that's what your float was for.
      "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


      • #4
        Rope was 50'
        I need to clarify I was in reverse getting slack on the rope, using the motor to get some rope back in my hands,
        Oh yes, if there was going to be and excelated problem I was prepared to toss the entire thing back in. I had to toss it twice before. I considered leaving it , for another day or till the wind died down . Next time I will create a float out of pool noodles , instead of one of my bumpers.
        While in very slight reverse I was able to get enough rope back to get the angle and the anchor pulled up nicely.
        It is something that I wont work on again while alone.


        • #5
          I was on a boat that did that in a swift current and it almost sank the boat.

