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Advise Appreciated

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  • Advise Appreciated

    I hope all you had a good 4th.
    I currently work in the oil field and have been for 20 years now. I am looking to get out. Be done with it. I really think its time to do something I really love, and would like to start guide fishing. So any of you seasoned vets have any advise. I don't have a boat yet (maybe you know someone selling one or where I can lease one), but plan on getting and taking the required classes to be good to go. Look forward in hearing from all of you. God Bless

  • #2
    I think you are making a mistake IMO. Guiding has terrible hours, clientele that can be complete jerks, equipment costs and continual breakage due to use and client abuse. It may seem like a 'great job' but it is not. Insurance costs (liability plus all others). Learning where to go in what conditions takes YEARS. You do not want to run aground hard while running a 57 y.o. man with a bad heart and diabetes or a granny. Tips-many clients fail to tip properly or are so cheap they don't.

    I'd think very hard before taking that step.
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


    • #3
      Don't blame you for wanting out of the O&G biz and If you think you have what it takes then go for it amigo! We can never have enough good guides in this area I always say! I wish you the best and keep us posted on what when and where.


      • #4
        Good luck, I didn't know you could lease a boat ....... go for it!

        Salt Water Fishn Is My Heritage


        • #5
          I've been in the oil and gas business too for 21 years and I want out too!!! BADLY want out!!!!! I want a career change myself I the fishing business. I need to do something I enjoy to do and get paid for it before I'm too old to do it. I thought about guiding myself but there's pros and cons to it.
          Mirrolure Pro Staff


          • #6
            A whole lot of upper coast guides work in the plants two. I know at least three that do. There's a lot more to it than just taking the course and buying a boat. If you really want to try it here's what you do.
            1. Keep your current job
            2. Talk to some successful guides and take carefulnotes.
            3. Figure out if there is a demand for guides currently, and if there is money to be made by a starting guide.
            4. Make a business plan with all associated costs and expenses, including a good boat.
            "GET OFF MY REEF!"


            • #7
              I agree with multiple points made. My advice would be to test the waters (pun intended) with guiding before fully committing. Maybe schedule some trips on your off time for 6 months to a year and see how the profits, work environment, and pleasure of pursuit fit your current lifestyle.


              • #8
                I considered running trips back in the 80's. I fished and caught enough to warrant my confidence, playing competitive sports all my life. Was schooled out on the water fishing with Harry Landers and David Wright on many occasions. All I needed to do was commit and take the six pack course but couldn't convince my wife at the time, to give up my guaranteed cush union job with all the frills, so I opted to enjoy fishing with my buddies and not have to pick out their backlashes. Good thread!


                • #9
                  All I got to say is fishing will never be the same for you if you make it your work.


                  • #10
                    Kenny hit the nail on the head.....

