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West bay over the weekend

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  • West bay over the weekend

    I was fortunate enough to get out friday, saturday, and sunday to explore west bay and alittle but of chocolate. Total count of fish was 3 undersized flounder 4 undersized reds, and 4 sand trout. I cant seem to locate the fish anymore. Luckily i have the trout support dvds, and tobin has been a real nice guy helping me with my application of the knowledge. I hope it get back to warm climate conditions soon i sure would like to fight something big on my new rod

  • #2
    Don't feel too bad. Saturday I fished the specktackular and I came up very short. Missed 4 great strikes on tops, missed too more on dines and finally put 1 dink in the boat for a whopping 2.5# of fish between two guys. So I sleep in on sunday and get out around noonish . I get 3 nice fat trout in and hour on mini dines. But all in all the whole weekend was a bust.


    • #3
      Thanks for words of encouragement i was beginning to think I couldn't locate fish anymore to save my life. Seemed back a couple of years ago before i had a boat and house in Jamaica i was pulling in full stringers all the time with minimal effort on the hunt. I know that when i do find them it will be much more rewarding and hopefully i can stay on them.


      • #4
        There you go... stay at it and keep in contact with me. Right now we have to switch and look for the tiny bait ...glass minnows and baby shad are showing up in the spring areas already. It takes a trained eye to see the signs of them, but when you do and you find them over the right structure like you and I talked about, the odds are good. But if the weather isn't great for catching it can still be a tough day.

        Tight Lines


        • #5
          Stick to mud and shell my friend and it's about time for them to start moving into the grass with rising water temperatures if that helps.

