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Crawfish Recipes

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  • #16
    Man, y'all gotta trust me on the turkey necks. Back when I was at Tulane, I used to buy some gooood crawfish in New Orleans from this old black guy and he made 'em RIGHT. If y'all remember the barber shop in Coming to America, the mood in this place was just about the same. A few older black guys sitting around all day talking it up. Abe was his name and one day he says to me, "Boy, why don't you eva try dem turkey neck? Ain't you white boys eat dem too or jes' us black folk? Dem tings is goooood!" I told him I had never considered eating a turkey's neck. He sat there on top of an ice chest laughing and slapping his knee. Then he stands up and says, "White boy need to try a turkey neck!" And he threw one in the bag with the corn, sausage, and potatoes.

    When I got home, I threw everything out on the table and started to chow down. My roommates crowded into the kitchen and hit it as well. One of them picked it up and said, "Sandy, what the HAIL is this?" So I told him the story. We all talked about how gross it was. He picked it up and put it in front of me. Then he said he'd give me $20 if I ate it. Man was it good. If you ever go anywhere in New Orleans, one thing to remember is the black folks flat out know what's good, and if it doesn't start out good, they make it good anyway. Don't knock it 'til you try it. Abe had a great time teasing me forever after that. I'd order turkey necks every time. One day he says, "Boy you eatin' dem turkey neck so much, you goin' to turn black. Dat's what soul food to to you." He was such a character. Last time I went there he was in poor health, and that was just before Katrina. I'm sure he's gone now, but he was a good friend.

    I forgot to add brussels sprouts. Man do they soak up the good stuff fast! It's best to cook them first in plain water and pop them in for the soak.
    Last edited by coachlaw; January 30, 2010, 09:52 AM.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


    • #17
      all this crawfish talk had me at the rajun cajun on richmond yesterday afternoon. their bugs are really good. do they dump a sauce of some sort on their bugs or do they just let them soak?
      btw sandy, i love the oranges in the boil. i had some last year for the first time at a work party and several ladies were running around eating up only the oranges.


      • #18
        I hearby nominate Sandy for throwing chit into the FWE boil that we are going to try and love.


        • #19
          Well, not ever having had the turkey necks, I'll have to bow to your cajun expertise. The crawbugs at rajun cajun are HOT , aren't they , MICHELLE !


          • #20
            No turkey necks here.
            10x spelling bee champ ...... For a full report go to DEANOKNOWS.COM


            • #21
              i've never had the turkey necks but i've had chicken and ham boiled in the same pot and liked it so i'm sure a turkey neck would be great.
              plugger, i think the rajun cajun bugs are perfect as far as hotness goes. made my nose run a bit but they were awsome. the flavor was good, but they need a bit more fat in the heads. they said it's supposed to be a great season for crawfish.

