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Question on night fishing the causeway

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  • Question on night fishing the causeway

    Which is usually best on an outgoing tide and with a south wind? The south or north end of the causeway? Or does it matter? I've only fished the north side of it and I'm curious if the fishing is better at night on the south or north end. I was thinking the south since the tide would be outgoing and I could reel with the current instead of positioning myself at every light on the south side of the light and fight the wind. I'm in a kayak btw. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    There is much more oyster on the bottom on the north end.. almost none on the south end. I'd personally stick to the north. I'm sure most of the light fish will move back and forth through there but you should be happy with the north end. Just remember that the outgoing tide is going to be running 'away' from you if you are casting downwind. try to work your lure sideways to the current or cast slightly upwind at an angle. Pulling the lure straight back up current doesn't really look natural to them as most natural live bait tend not to swim up current. Make the most natural presentation you can and work the outer edges of the lights.

    Have fun


    • #3
      I do best on the north end fishing the overcast lights from the freeway instead of the lights under the bridge itself, outgoing I fish the inside between the causeway and the railroad bridge , incoming I fish the west bay side
      I dont always drink beer, but when i do , I prefer to be fishing !!!!!

