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Need your help everyone. Help Tony Martinez Walk Again

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  • Need your help everyone. Help Tony Martinez Walk Again

    Tony Martinez is a friend of mine. Many of you here will remember his brother VJER Vic Martinez who passed away several years ago. In early June of last year, Tony had his left leg removed below his knee. Several of you helped when he needed a walker and a chair he could get in and out of. Not one to let anything keep him down, Tony is working again. But you can imagine being a handy man with one leg is not easy. He has progressed to the point that he is ready for a prosthesis. The problem is, it's going to cost more than $7k. Any little bit will help.

    Hey Everyone, As some of you may know my daddy, Manuel Martinez AKA Tony, has recently… CHasity Martinez needs your support for Help Tony Martinez Walk Again

    Above I've posted the "GoFundMe" page if you'd like to donate that way. If you'd prefer to donate with a check or by other means, we'll have more info on that shortly. Every penny will go to the prosthesis folks for Tony's new leg. I'll also be auctioning a trip to Blockade Runners as well, so look for that in the future. Thanks everyone. - Sandy
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."

  • #2
    Looks like we got two anonymous donations from folks here. Thank y'all very much. Every little bit helps. If you're comfortable donating via the go-fundme page, please do so. As far as other ways to donate, It appears that FWE can't take the donations for this because the money will not be going to a 501c organization. Some of you have mentioned you'd be happy to donate in other ways. I'll be the bank if you'd like to send a check or cash. Just send me a PM and I'll shoot you my address.

    Tony got another estimate from another company and it was way higher, so barring a breakthrough with another vendor, the goal remains the same.

    I'll be setting up an auction for a trip to Blockade Runners shortly.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


    • #3


      • #4
        700 people at $10 each would do it. Sounds reachable. I'll throw in $10... I could burn that on bad lunch.

        Do it because he can't and you can. I promise it will come back to you.


        • #5
          Many thanks Tobin! And thanks for the bump Root Canal.

          I'll be setting up the auction sometime this week.

          Thus far between the gofundme and FWE we've raised only $605. Every little bit does help, so please consider it.

          Tony is getting along ok and he's back to work, but he can only do certain things. That's tough on a handy-man.
          From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


          • #6
            I had to share this story. The subject is a reader here and I'm sure he wants to remain anonymous so I will not say his name.

            So tonight I'm hanging out at the camp and my buddy comes by. We're hanging out and he asks me about this fund-raiser. I tell him how much we've raised, but the goal seems a loooong way off. He tells me he'd like to throw in. He pulls out a $100 bill and I'm floored. He has never even met Tony. Then he pulls out another $100 bill and explains that he appreciates that someone like Tony wants to work instead of becoming a burden on society. Then he pulls out another $100 bill. This goes on twice again and I find myself with five $100 bills for the cause. This puts us at $1105!

            This also reminds me that I need to set up the auction for the trip to Blockade Runners. I'll get this done before I hit the hay tomorrow night. So be on the lookout. Thanks to all who have contributed. Hopefully I can get Tony to a club meeting one of these days.
            From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


            • #7
              Sandy, shameless plug to help out an honorary member. I donated. Thanks to everyone supporting Tony.

