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Neighbor Wars--- Let the games begin

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  • Neighbor Wars--- Let the games begin

    Ok guys i have a new war lol

    I have a neighbor who called the PD on me today because the concrete guy dumped a load of sand in her lot.. Mind you, this is an empty lot that is nothing but dirt from her house that was torn down late last year. She does not live there, shows up every few weeks to visit with the other neighbors and thats all.

    I called and asked her and her hubby if it was ok, and no one called me back and i showed back up at the house an hour later and poof, the concrete guy already dumped it in her yard.. No harm no foul right, its dirt and were gonna use it for my driveway. SO i thought

    Well, we have about a half a load left and the concrete guy is gonna spread it for me in my yard once the dumpster is moved. Well we cant move the dumpster because of all the rain etc, so we have been waiting.

    This woman, calls the PD and complains that im illegally dumping on her yard. I just dont get some people. This nation is screwed up, because of idiots like her

    So now im thinking up all kinds of ideals to legally pester her lol

    Any suggestions
    Capt. Thomas Barlow

  • #2
    Call & complain about a load of sand that's been sitting in her yard...
    We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


    • #3
      Put your carcasses in her yard so the seagulls & pelicans roost there?
      We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


      • #4
        nothing yet. Just wait until they move back in and nobody thinks it is you. Then get some good weed killer and start picking off shrubs and flowers one at a time!!


        • #5
          Wait until they move in and have Albert hang out in your driveway with Chip in their speedos every weekend. That could go either way though. Coe seems to like it!


          • #6

            It takes all kinds, seem's people have nothing better to do. One day if she decides to rebuild she may need a favor in return but I guess she can't think that far ahead. I have to say I've been down the same road before here at Tiki. At my old house the neighbors bulkhead at the prorety line was washing out and taking my lot with it. So I started dumping my grass clippings behind the bulkhead to try and stop it. I had only seen the couple twice in the six years I was there and just so happen that one weekend they were there she saw me dumping the grass clippings and called the police. She threaten to file charges if I did not clean it up so the police told me I should remove everything I put there which I did.

            The really should build subdivisions just for Aholes and then they could just argue with each other and leave the normal people alone. Good luck with the neighbors and by the way, I rode by there the other day and the house is looking pretty good, won't be long.



            • #7
              Your sick Jeremy. Never seen Albert in a Speedo, but hey if that's your fantasy that's cool but don't bring Chip, Albert & I into some twisted broke back pratt fantasy... that's just wrong!
              We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


              • #8
                You are the one who lives next door to him....


                • #9
                  she should be happy to have some sand in her yard to get the grass growing better


                  • #10
                    Ahhhh....lovely neighbors.
                    My next door guy was a real winner.
                    One morning I awoke and walked into the kitchen to make coffee. Standing at the sink I could swear I heard an automobile engine running right out side the window?!?!?!?! Opened the shade and there was truck RIGHT outside my window! I'm like WTF???? So outside I go to see whats up.
                    Mr.Neighbor had backed his pickup truck RIGHT ACROSS MY FRONT YARD and down along side my house so "he didn't have to carry some lumber across his back yard". My side of the fence was closer to his workshop. He acted all buttthurt when I ripped him about the muddy ruts thru MY front yard.
                    Somehow I was the sunnybeach for getting angry.

                    Same guy-different day:
                    Thought I was losing my mind because I was misplacing tools and other misc things in my garage. I'd go get my drill/wrench/hammer/whatever and it would not be where I normally put them. I'd use something else and forget about it. This went on for a few months. One day I went out to my garage to get a wrench I KNEW was in my toolbox because i had just put there a couple of hours before. I was stunned when it wasn't there.
                    One day I just happened to open the door out to the garage and caught Mr.Neighbor walking off with my circular saw!
                    I demanded to know he thought he was doing! He got all buttthurt again when I ripped him. Said he "didn't want to bother me by asking to use MY tools"!!!!!!!
                    Can you believe that!!!!! I told him WTF did he think he was coming into a mans house and taking things without asking?!?!?! He replied, "Well I always bring them back." AHA! So THAT is why my stuff was disappearing and then mysteriously reappearing!
                    West End Anglers - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


                    • #11

                      I tried to pawn the stuff, but pawn broker said it was crapola and worthless. Dangit, the one thing the pawn guy said was that he'd give me $20 for a nice circular saw and you sunagon caught me-shut, I was gonna give ya half.
                      "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                      • #12
                        Is being a Tampa fan make ya have weird thoughts? I dunno, but any guy talkin bout speedos and Albert may wanna have a visit with Moonpie to discuss why wimmen exist.
                        "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                        • #13
                          Should keeled hauled yer buttt when I hads me chance! Arrrr.
                          West End Anglers - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


                          • #14
                            Thomas.......Milkjug's asian mafia buddies will take care of her for a price.....lol

                            Jeremy, you need to go watch the move and get my naked body off your brokeback mind!
                            Everything God does is right, the trademark on all his work is Love. Psalm 145:17


                            • #15

                              In reality, sounds like she asked her group of hens and some other neighbor ratted, so likely some other neighbor "watches" her place and if ya do anything, it may come back on ya. I had a neighbor that had two mini dobermans-barked ALL night. After yelling at his dogs long enuf and even my family and friends told him his dogs sux, he finally moved and I have the best neighbors now I could ever ask for-maybe the beotch will just move and you can wave "Good Bye" with only one finger working!!

                              Sorry for the bad neighbor-I think we all have had that once or twice.

                              Hey Coe: Shouldn't FP's avatar have a "mountain" or "horse' on it?? J/K
                              "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

