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Spanish Grant

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  • Spanish Grant

    My wife and I are looking at a canal house in Spanish Grant. We had a place in Terramar for several years.

    we took the boat to Spanish Grant this weekend and encountered very shallow water getting in.

    This was at high tide even. About 18” in some places.

    Doea any one have any experience there.

    could be a deal breaker if no access.

    only about a third of the houses had boats in their lifts.


  • #2
    I've explored back there a couple of times. I do recall it being shallow at the entrance to the main canal.

    Check out Google Earth images from January 2017. That's a low tide and you can see the narrow entrance. Looks like it's passable if you know where you are going.

    I tried to upload some images but kept getting an error message.

    Good luck and welcome back to the Island!



    • #3
      We are on the west end over in the Sea Isle area... your old stomping grounds. I have no experience over at Spanish Grant, but man does the google map image of the bay access to that community make it look shallow... like really shallow. May check it out for yourself. The absence of boats in slings is probably not a great sign since it looks like most house in that community have boat houses. You might be looking at a shallow sport style boat at best and probably still will need an average or high tide to escape the canal into the bay. I imagine low tides would be a no go in that area. But again, I don't know for sure since I have never ventured that far from our location.


      • #4
        Thanks for the info. I was able to get in on Saturday. I idled in and stirred up some mud outside the channel into the canals.

        We were down there yesterday for another walk through. From the deck you could see 10 canal houses and only 2 had boats in them.

        I am worried about low tide access and if the water in there is too stagnant.

        Will keep researching.


        • #5
          There is access but the end of the canal-where it meets the bay shoals in. The subdivision (at least as of a few years ago) has no reserves or money put aside for any type of dredging.
          And--the process to get dredging approved is onerous, intimidating and time consuming.
          Will require some leadership on the board to get it moving...when I left the leadership wasn't there.

          I lived there for over 30 years--starting in 1983. Other than that (and the threat of Anchor Bay) it's a great place.


          • #6
            Thanks again for
            the info. Given the shallow entry, does
            the water get stagnant as the summer goes


            • #7
              We would occasionally have some bait die- offs, would last a few days but I don't think unique to Spanish Grant.

              Concern about the canal water flow and quality was why we fought so vigorously against Anchor Bay


              • #8
                I have seen big bay boats go in there
                It does get really skinny at the mouth but the rest of the channel is ok


                • #9
                  I moved to Sp.Grant last summer. The entrance has silted in pretty badly.....I cannot get out in my 22ft Sea Hunt (draws ~2ft) unless close to high tide.....need to be wide open on full plane and hug the markers (Causeway Bridge side). Turn sharply southwest on the way out to find some water (4-6ft). It is pretty disgusting that a community on the bay cannot maintain its water entrance..... I plan to get involved to try to reinvigorate previous dredging efforts (via WGIPOA).


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DFW6902 View Post
                    I moved to Sp.Grant last summer. The entrance has silted in pretty badly.....I cannot get out in my 22ft Sea Hunt (draws ~2ft) unless close to high tide.....need to be wide open on full plane and hug the markers (Causeway Bridge side). Turn sharply southwest on the way out to find some water (4-6ft). It is pretty disgusting that a community on the bay cannot maintain its water entrance..... I plan to get involved to try to reinvigorate previous dredging efforts (via WGIPOA).
                    Welcome to the West End of Galveston. You will drive yourself crazy if you're in a hurry to get anything done. Especially something like a dredging effort.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I've learned this is the Land of Manana, but some of this stuff actually needs to get done!!

