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VIBRIO- Got Very Sick Be Careful

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  • VIBRIO- Got Very Sick Be Careful

    Hey Crew
    So I went out last Sunday for a little bit and decided to soak some bait under an umbrella in the boat. Hooked a few nice sharks, 1 or 2 reds and a pretty nice jack. I had been digging in my box all day re-rigging because I rarely fish like that and had stuck myself at least 10 times. Hooked a couple of gaff tops when tragedy struck. One of those cats barely poked me. I pulled out the disinfectants and I always keep antibacterial cleaner on the boat. Hurt a bit but went away. I get home and got everything clean and I notice my middle finger has this wicked little bump that just really hurts. So I clean it up and carry on. About 8 hour later in the middle of the night I wake up with an extremely high fever and feeling like death. My whole hand hurts like hell and I can barely stand up. so I clean it, get up get straight as I can and I go ahead and go to work eating ibuprofen. By noon, I have puss and Krap leaking out of my finger and red streaks running up my hand. Its extremely swollen and the pain was God awful. Called the doc and he said get to ER RIGHT NOW! after I tell him the story. They didn't even draw blood when I got there they just instantly admitted me and starting pumping so much medicine in me it was crazy. It got worse, finger opened up and started turning blue, red, and blackish full of infection. I don't think I have ever gotten this sick in my life, I got to keep all my digits, and I'm on the mend but its slow for sure. when the culture came back it tested positive for Vibrio Vulnificus. Evidently from all the little sticks from the hooks in the same area and then handling the fish.. plus that damn catfish got me good. The doctors gave me the low down that if I had not come in when I did. Today I may have been a grave man. I'm still pretty (F)d-up. It takes a major toll on your body even if your completely healthy. So be careful as im still feeling some pretty harsh effects . don't take any chances with cuts or open wounds and if you do get a little lesion or bump like that DO NOT WAIT to get treated get to the doctor immediately because time is of the essence. Stay safe and hopefully I will see you guys out there soon and if not and I end up relapsing and hangin with ELVIS... Can one of you please buy my boat since I cant take it with me? LMAO

    The Assassin

  • #2
    Pics of boat? J/K

    Glad you're doing better. It's crazy scary how that stuff can come out of nowhere. I've hear of people getting infections just from handling shrimp.


    • #3
      That’s some tough stuff. Slimers are hazardous to your health.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
      Shut up and FISH!!


      • #4
        Glad you got to the Dr in time.
        I had the same thing from a scrape on my ankle a few years ago. Within a few hours after I got home I had red bumps all the way up to my knee. We went straight to the ER and they pump antibiotics into me for 14 straight hours.
        Everybody be careful out there and stay safe.

        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
        Everything God does is right, the trademark on all his work is Love. Psalm 145:17


        • #5
          Swing by my dock. I'll give you a free catfish flipper, with lessons. Never touch another live hardhead or gafftop again! Hope you feel like you're on an even keel soon.
          From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


          • #6
            That sucks, glad that you are getting better.
            "It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top."


            • #7
              That sucks, sorry it happened to you. But also thanks for sharing your story.. .taking immediate action is so important with this ailment. Hopefully your story will help many others.

              Get better soon and get back out there...

              PS .. I hate catfish


              • #8
                Good advice, scary stuff; glad to hear you are getting better.


                • #9
                  Glad you got it taken care of before it took care of you.


                  • #10
                    Oh man , that is scary . Glad you are ok and thanks for reminding us of the dangers .


                    • #11
                      much better now guys. ready to fish. anyone want to fish with me for this weekend tourney? im signing up tomorrow. let me know send me a PM or I will monitor this feed.


                      • #12
                        I heard that JT was looking for someone to fish with. Maybe you should PM him and hook up for the tourney. He knows a lot of spots. They’re all Greg’s but maybe he won’t be out fishing that day.
                        We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


                        • #13
                          dude...its Captain jt if you please.


                          • #14
                            Sorry Captain my bad.
                            We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!

