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Wbay 4.1.20

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  • Wbay 4.1.20

    My goal this year is to post once a month, and with cabin fever setting in it didnt take me long to have a report this month.

    Left my locked down office about 4pm. Walked in from the truck around 5. 3 of us threw the kitchen sink at them for 2 hours...nada!

    Some bait, some sharks, a stiff se breeze around 15-20, falling tide, and water that got better as the evening progressed. I kept seeing mullet flip way out and methodically fish my way that direction. Finally gave up on tops and switched to a catch jr around 7pm.

    Caught these 2 fattys between 7:15 and 7:45, and one of the other guys caught a twin of the bigger one on a glow/bone she dog. Had 2 other hits that didnt stick. Left as the sun was setting after about a 3 ft plus toothy creature tried to pull me over. I had to yank the 25ft stringer out of its mouth to save my dinner (u can see the bite marks on the bigger trout's throat)...dont like jacking with those things in the dark!

    Not many fish but very solid...will feed me and the teenager this weekend!

    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

  • #2
    Nicely done! All of this house arrest stuff forced me to fix the fishing light behind my house. I'm gonna give it a shot back there for a few nights. I'll post up a report as well if I manage to do any good.
    Shut up and FISH!!


    • #3
      I had an issue with the creature in the gray suit when I was 18. That stopped me wading forever. If it's deeper than my knees, I'm in a boat. Nice feesh. I was fishing at the same time and I couldn't even catch a hardhead. And I was TRYING to catch them for my crab traps. Crabs got some old bologna instead. They seemed happy with it.
      From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


      • #4
        Originally posted by coachlaw View Post
        I had an issue with the creature in the gray suit when I was 18. That stopped me wading forever. If it's deeper than my knees, I'm in a boat. Nice feesh. I was fishing at the same time and I couldn't even catch a hardhead. And I was TRYING to catch them for my crab traps. Crabs got some old bologna instead. They seemed happy with it.
        So tell us the shark story Sandy...I'm low on entertainment...tv sucks and watching the teenager mow the grass is just irritating because he doesn't do it right! They're always out there when your wading the south shoreline...especially near SLP...seems like they showed up early this year, but water has been above 70 for a few weeks now.


        • #5
          I was 18 years old and it was the week after my birthday (Late June). I was with a few friends at the camp in La. and we decided to hit Shell Island on the South end of Bay Bastian for trout. I was wading at about armpit level in warm water on hard shell near a drop off. Back then the limits were 100 trout, and 50 redfish. I had just strung my 75th trout on my cable stringer. I had it attached to my belt loop on my Levi Jeans. Back then, Levis used to be pretty tough.

          I had just hooked onto another trout when suddenly, my whole world went upside down and sideways. I got dragged about 60-80 feet in what seemed like just a few seconds. I remember feeling for the bottom with my feet and feeling nothing. I do not remember much after that until I reached shore. Apparently, in all the fuss, my belt loop finally gave way. As I trudged up the shore, one of my buddies asked me what happened. I must have been a sight. He had gone back to his tacklebox to re-rig after a lost fish. I remember saying, "I don't know. Something dragged me. Fish all gone." I then looked down as something was moving my arm. Somehow in the hullaballoo, I had kept hold of my grandfather's old fiberglass rod. (Still have it today.) Strangely, I had a fish on, probably the same one I had just hooked when I got dragged. I reeled in the fish and gave it to my buddy Kurt. I said, "I don't know what the heck that was, but I'm not getting back in the water. I'm going to the boat to get drunk." Now I don't know what it was, but my guess at the power of the animal was that it must have been a tiger or a BIG bull. So, like Quint said, "I'll never put on a lifejacket again." I'll say, "I'm never wading deeper than my knees again." And I don't. Now I'll swim at the camp and in the surf, but I ain't gonna wade with fish on a stringer.

          I wonder if I'd have washed up in Cuba had my belt loop not broken.
          From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


          • #6
            Yikes, that would have probably cured me! I don't wade much past waste deep anymore...when I did i was much younger and dumber...not sure how much that's improved with age but maybe a little. I've seen some 6 footers plus cruising the shorelines in west bay, especially around the pass in late summer. They definitely get your attention. And yes i'm old enough to remember when you could pick someone up by their Levis belt loops! 100 trout...wow...one trip would stock me up for the year! Thanks for sharing.


            • #7
              Thanks for the great report with pictures !
              Nicely done !

