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Seasonal Change and Transient Trout

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  • Seasonal Change and Transient Trout

    Wow! has it ever been a brutal winter!! Not too many of us coastal anglers that haven't begged for a change lately. And change, we now have. Unfortunately, this isn't always the easiest change to pattern. The biggest keyed on, population of fish in the Galveston system right now are those that are in West Bay. Everyone knows this and has been hitting them hard for well over a month. This is a classic winter pattern that plays out every year. Move away from the schools and schoolies and you will likely find a handful of reefs that are holding some significantly better quality trout. Catches have been good for those "in the know", though it would be very hard for it to be called consistent. When old man winter plays hardball, we can rarely ever truly get a pattern and stay on it. This winter is the best example in my 15 plus years of logs. Too much tide and temperature swing this year to repeat with any frequency.

    Here's where the change part really gets tricky. Now we are starting to see the swing into the more springlike patterns, what will that do to the fish? Typical Spring time patterns will start to play out, as they do every year. The fly in the ointment will be pesky fronts that likely continue to pepper the coast all the way into April. This was how things played out in the only year close to this that I have logged. The big trout in West Bay will still be on shell, as well as starting to make serious showings in the prime coves. The biggest notable change will be the shift to a consistently later bite. This isn't always convenient for bay anglers, but if you stay you will often be rewarded. I have only fished a handful of days lately with marginal results, catching trout in the 3-5 pound range over shell and mud.

    We will start to regain some of the other food sources for the big girls, but the biggest will still be looking for mullet. Look for some of the biggest fish to stage over dense mud, with slightly off colored water, waiting to ambush unsuspecting pods of mullet. Don't be discouraged if you only seem to find little trout, the big girls are not that far off, as they near spring spawn. You may only have to look a few yards away to find where the big girls lay. Look for the eratic, scared baitfish, and maintain the focus.

    All the signs are here, with the shrimp boat fleet moving closer to the beach front and the return of marine worm hatches and jelly in the bay. Look for East Bay to turn on with a vengance as we ease into March, and expect that the most patient waders will see the greatest potential of testing their skills against a Galveston wall hanger.

    I'm fired up about the change, as I have fished way too many bitter cold days this year, and most excited about round two of the Spectacular Trout Series this weekend. Though the forecast isn't calling for warm, in a year like this, hearing that the highs will be in the upper 50's is motivational. Registration is tomorrow night at Floyd's Seafood at Nasa Rd and I 45. As always, I expect the core crowd, along with those who love the sport and the competition. This series has taught me a lot over the years and continues to help me improve my game everytime that I fish.

    I'm looking forward to a long grind this Saturday, and seeing some of the best angelrs in the State of Texas Bringing in some huge trout, as we transition to a milder weather pattern. The weigh in will be at Reynold"s Marine in Baytown, so if you can't fish come check out the Strings that some of these guys produce.

    Good Luck! and tight lines to all!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I'm not a big fan of change, especially the recent politically popular version, but I'm ready for winter to be over for sure. Good writin'!
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


    • #3
      Good report Capt Steve.
      We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


      • #4
        Good luck!


        • #5
          Very nice Capt Steve.....Good luck this weekend!
          Everything God does is right, the trademark on all his work is Love. Psalm 145:17


          • #6
            Good luck Steve may see you on the water saturday........thanks for the report.....good bad weather report.lol


            • #7
              I really appreciate all your reports as I have so much to learn...thanks a ton...


              • #8
                Nice thread... There's a lot to learn but we have about half a lifetime to go.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bean View Post
                  Nice thread... There's a lot to learn but we have about half a lifetime to go.
                  Well, If I'm lucky I can spend half of that half of a lifetime trying to figure those fish out.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the info. Spring is near. There were already good amounts of mullet against the shoreline when I went out this last Sunday (warmer, E wind for the few days before).

                    I'm fine with this cold weather though. This is the first Winter I've fished hard, and I've been pretty pleased with the results from the stereotypical drifting over deeper mud and broken shell.


                    • #11
                      Good read, interesting and useful info! Thanx and best of luck!



                      • #12
                        Great read Steve. Thanks for sharing your knowledge as always. Good luck!
                        "All fishermen are liars except you and me and to tell you the truth, I'm not so sure about you!"


                        • #13
                          Good info,thanks for sharing
                          Beer,its not just for breakfast


                          • #14
                            Excellent report Steve.

