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Happy Independence Day everyone!

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  • #16
    "Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas. One state, under God, one and indivisible."

    We say it every day after we say the pledge to the U.S. flag.

    The problem I have with it is this: Texas by law IS divisible into up to 5 states if we choose to do so. That was part of the treaty.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


    • #17
      Texan first. God Bless Texas.


      • #18
        I really didn't know that we had a pledge of allegiance but I wish I had. So yall say that every day? thats great. When did they start saying it?


        • #19
          I believe it was signed into law following 9-11. I just wish they would take the "Indivisible" part out. I could get into a big discussion about how they inserted that word into the U.S. flag pledge as an afterthought for a particular reason (Us naughty Southerners who tried to leave need to be reminded not to go and try that again.) But there is no reason for it whatsoever to be in the Texas pledge, especially given that it flies in the face of legal fact.

          Here it is from the joint resolution of Congress (Which in and of itself was actually an illegal act because it did not follow the Northwest Ordinance).

          "New States of convenient size not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas and having sufficient population, may, hereafter by the consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the Federal Constitution."

          That means we are in fact DIVISIBLE. So why is "Indivisible" part of our pledge? Well it seems plain to me that our lawmakers simply did not pay attention in class.
          From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


          • #20
            Coach slow down you lost me ?
            10x spelling bee champ ...... For a full report go to DEANOKNOWS.COM


            • #21
              Just read it again Deano. Take your time. It's there for as long as this site is part of the Interweb.
              From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


              • #22
                My thinking is that the Articles of Incorporation (or whatever they call 'em) said that Texas

                (1) had all the rights of the Spanish land grants from the Rio Grand to the Sabine, Red River, and some western parts, and that

                (2) Texas could form 4 or 5 states if it was so desired.

                The second one is interesting. There was a
                • fairly central, core part of Texas, made of several dozen grants,
                • an eastern area that was more French influenced,
                • an annex between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande,
                • a western extension towards the Pecos and El Paso,
                • and a very old Spanish land grant that went clear up from Dalhart to Laramie, Wyoming.

                Each was a "pieces part" of Texas as an independent nation. At one time, Texas wanted to annex land all the way to California. Remember, these were the days of the Cherokee and the Gold Rush.


                • #23
                  With all that said....It's great to be a Texan, and Happy Independance Day to all of you.

