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OT RANT - verizon bb curve SUCKS

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  • OT RANT - verizon bb curve SUCKS

    today my 3rd (or 4th, i cant remember) blackberry curve crapped out on me. on the way to work it was functioning fine, except for the regular freezes and glitches and slow operation. i pull it out to check my messages and such at work and every single button, if they respond, types 36 instead of what its supposed to.

    I have to work all day tomorow and sunday and then have school from 0730 - 1700 monday. three days without a phone is going to be ruthless. There is no way I am going to take another curve from these people. so furious.

  • #2
    As much as I hate my cell phone I go nuts everytime I drop one in the water and I'm without it for a few days. I know the feeling

    And whats even more worse is having to deal with the cell phone providers, they are just as bad as the credit card jacka$$es. Good luck

    AQUA PIMP......



    • #3
      go to www.crackberry.com and do a search for whatever issues you are having and there will probably be somebody who has had the same issue and possibly and answer. mine goes thru bouts where it won't ring and goes directly to voice mail. i have to do a battery pull and that fixes it. leave the phone on, pull the battery, wait 30 secs, then put the battery back in. it's annoying, but it does fix the problem. hope this helps kylie. aside from that, i love my curve, but it's thru att.


      • #4
        Iphone rocks


        • #5
          Originally posted by michelle View Post
          go to www.crackberry.com and do a search for whatever issues you are having and there will probably be somebody who has had the same issue and possibly and answer. mine goes thru bouts where it won't ring and goes directly to voice mail. i have to do a battery pull and that fixes it. leave the phone on, pull the battery, wait 30 secs, then put the battery back in. it's annoying, but it does fix the problem. hope this helps kylie. aside from that, i love my curve, but it's thru att.

          ya i have pulled the battery three times so far and left it out for various amounts of time. i havent been on crackberry in a while so maybe ill hit that up. thanks


          • #6
            I'm still using the same Nokia from 6 years ago. The great thing is when it finally craps out, I have 2 more just like it for backup. I'll keep using it as long as I can keep getting batteries. I don't know why people want a phone with all the complications they have these days. My ancient phone just plain works.
            From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."

