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Hurricane season startin today and i am a prayin

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  • Hurricane season startin today and i am a prayin

    Well, just wanted to make sure you all say a prayer to the fish gods today....... tha start of hurricane season. I hope its only me, but i have a very uneasy feeling for this summer. I would guess that if one ....... just one...... hell not even a hurricane..... maybe just even a tropical storm... were to take a stroll on into the gulf with this oil spill STILL gushing.... which is TOTALLY.. BULL$HIT!!!!!! ....thanks obama and bp.... that the total gulf would be screwed..... including us and our fisheries........ im not an expert or n e thing close to that on the reprecussions of a hurricane plowin into the gulf within the next month, but i am thinkin all that oil or at least a crap load will find its way onto our shores...... NO BUENO AMIGOS. ur thoughts.....
    if i dnt catch dinner, i will catch a buzz. it works out!

  • #2
    I will you, we all need to pray that we have a calm hurricane season!!


    • #3
      If the oil gets plugged and they have time to do some cleanup a tropical storm will actually help. There is tons of oil spilled in to the gulf every year from natural leaks and cracks in the bottom. There are microbes that are around just to break down that oil. If a tropical storm came and broke up the oil it would be much easier for these microbes to break it down.

