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Oil on Texas Coast in 72 hours

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  • Oil on Texas Coast in 72 hours

    I just heard on Fox news the Texas coast around Port Aruthor will see oil in 72 hours from the oil spill.........dam Alex

  • #2
    Good, it will be easy to clean off the Texas coast...with tractors and bull dozers once it hits all that sargassum weed on the beach. NOT... 25 people with white trash bags picking up oil the size of a quarter,if your not having to use heavy equipment to remove the oil then you really don't have that much of a problem compared to some areas. I saw on the news a little girl crying about the oil she got on her foot,it didn't even cover her the whole bottom of her foot...had to show her crying on the news....ahhhhhh....wait till that man-o-war hits her and see if the news is covering her crying then.....


    • #3
      SneekyPdiddy...that **** made me laugh!
      "If our father had his say, nobody who did not know how to catch a fish would be allowed to disgrace a fish by catching him." Norman Maclean, from A River Runs Through It


      • #4
        That is not good....


        • #5
          I remember when we started surfing the west end back in the late 70's and "tar balls" on the beach were pretty standard, thanks to the Campeche blow. The trick was not to hit the hot gooey ones between your toes on the way to the surf, it made a mess in your wax and on your birdwells...


          • #6
            Mass media hesteria trying to scare all the abamos sheepeople.Once it hit i'm sure they will close fishing in that area.I remember being covered with tar from head to toe going to port A or matta beach in the 70's as a kid.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sneekypete View Post
              Good, it will be easy to clean off the Texas coast...with tractors and bull dozers once it hits all that sargassum weed on the beach. NOT... 25 people with white trash bags picking up oil the size of a quarter,if your not having to use heavy equipment to remove the oil then you really don't have that much of a problem compared to some areas. I saw on the news a little girl crying about the oil she got on her foot,it didn't even cover her the whole bottom of her foot...had to show her crying on the news....ahhhhhh....wait till that man-o-war hits her and see if the news is covering her crying then.....
              Yeh Sneeky like you told me i don't see one person picking up a water moccasin or a nutria rat to clean them its just Pelican what about the poor other animals.
              10x spelling bee champ ...... For a full report go to DEANOKNOWS.COM


              • #8
                BP's arse and their existence as we've known it is about to evermore change. That bottom kill is no gut cinch other than that of being a relief well. I sure hope that it works.


                • #9
                  Great one Sneeky.

                  It is BS - all these welfare folks picking up bits here and there, then suing because they be "taminated" by black "deadly" oil. Geez, I guess the guys at Quick Lube should sue the sheet outta their company-they're handling it daily. Bunch of liberal oil hater media. Maybe Attempted Rapist Al Gore should roll in it and light hisself on fire-now that would certainly improve the nation.
                  "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                  • #10
                    I'm with ya Reeltime.I also remember the tar balls in the 70's as well.No one was bitchin then except the surfers and fishermen cause it got all over your feet and clothes.All these people wanting to stop offshore drilling should boycott the oil industry...lets start with just 1 day,and not use any oil related products for just 1 day.........so no cell phones,no make-up, no tennis shoes, no car, no costume jewlery,no computer,no TV,or Compact disk,no blow dryer,no microwavable food packaged in plastic,no golf cart,no ATM or credit cards....oh wait a minute Sneekypete...we didn't mean all that....are we looking for alternative products to use as well....?? I got the blow drier covered.....just stick your head out the window honey.....sorry it's hot in here the WIND POWERED Airconditioner just ain't workin too good today. I want to see'm make a car with no oil related products....power it however you want,wind,hydrodgen,natural gas,electric...still got to have some sort of wood tires on it ....lord knows how bad the tires are for the enviroment....just my 2 cents


                    • #11
                      Its always been great and acceptable to drill offshore to EVERYBODY in the country and the pricks on the East and West Coast have been all for it-----just so long as its off the coast of Texas and Louisana.


                      • #12
                        I ain't gonna get all excited until the Texas General Land Office says something, since they run the oil spill operations in Texas. They run a pretty tight ship, and don't go around squawking like a dang fool chicken. This is Texas and we don't mess around.

