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  • Gator

    The bull shark thread reminded me of this...

    On Tuesday I was coming out of Snake Island Cove on the east side of the Geotubes and saw what I thought was a log or piling floating in the water. As I swerved around it turned out to be about a 6' gator.

    It didn't seem at all intimidated by my skiff as I went by about 5' away.

    I know a lot of folks wade that area of the cove so be careful of floating pilings... er gators.
    Honk if you love Jesus.
    Text while driving if you want to meet him.

  • #2
    Have seen several on the north shoreline. These high tides really spread them around. After Ike we had a 12 footer in our canal at Sea Isle ......we are located on the east side of the subdivision , the road going down to the pier. There were several in the subdivision at that time. You just never know.......gotta be careful....
    " What's good for me ain't necessarily good for the weak minded ."
    Captain Augustus McCrae


    • #3
      I need a new belt & wallet where they at
      We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


      • #4
        they are decoys. aqua pimp trying to keep folks from fishing his spots. there's about 15 of em behind bird island.


        • #5
          Originally posted by michelle View Post
          they are decoys. aqua pimp trying to keep folks from fishing his spots. there's about 15 of em behind bird island.
          I heard it was our favorite Crabber putting them out to keep GHSmacker & other potlickers out of his coves
          We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


          • #6
            Originally posted by michelle View Post
            they are decoys. aqua pimp trying to keep folks from fishing his spots. there's about 15 of em behind bird island.
            Captain Glenn Stevens
            Coastal Guide Service


            • #7
              Great, let's make sure Donna does not find out or she will quit wading!
              LIVIN THE SALT LIFE


              • #8
                After storm tides we always get displaced gators. You know statistically in Texas you have a lot better chance of being attacked by a gator than a shark.
                "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                • #9
                  I have seen several in that cove over the years. I think it was last year there was one hanging around Snake and Maggies for the longest time.

                  AQUA PIMP
                  AQUA PIMP......
                  "SALTWATER PIMP'N AIN'T EZ"



                  • #10
                    I dont know if alex told you GGF, but we spooked one while running the north shoreline. I've seen em in matty before but this was my first one I have personally seen in GWB

                    GOD BLESS AND GIG'EM!

                    I hope I catch a 10 lb trout before I catch a flesh eating bacteria.

