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  • #16
    And oh yeah baabie...happy hour started at the ranch about 2 hours ago.


    • #17
      Hehe, stirred up somebody.

      And you're right. I don't like much of anybody or any party, although I lean libertarian and conservative. I'm certainly not defending what my buddies call "lib-tards!"

      But you have to admit the GOP that is around today is floundering in the water, with a chairman of the party named Steele who can't shut his mouth before he let's out another brain fart - like saying the Afghanistan War is "Obama's War." Whew, even after a 12-pack of beer I know better than that one.

      Back on the immigration thing, I have to give credit to Bush 43, McCain, and others in the GOP for at least trying to solve the problem. They had a few ideas about how to get some resident aliens legal and throw out the criminals and short-timers. As is usual, the hard-line right pounced on them and killed the entire discussion, simply because or words like "amnesty" and such. Heck at least they tried!

      But with mid-term elections coming up, nobody wants to touch that hot potato, and everyone want to watch the feds try to sue Arizona over its funky program that requires the police - under penalty of law - to profile Mexicans and lock 'em up for referral to a Federal immigration magistrate. You can argue about the finer points of the Arizona law, and "why that's not true, you idiot," but that's what it boils down to at the end of the day.

      As usual, this solution did nothing to solve the problem, and Obama can't solve the problem with his idiotic Congress, and the GOP was closest to fixing the problem but bailed out because they might lose the redneck vote.

      Maybe we can share some beers and I'll let on why the health reform didn't fix nothing, the Wall Street rule was a wash, and as everyone knows, the debt will bite our children's generation in the rear. I'm an equal opportunity kinda dude - and Obama clearly doesn't know what he's got himself into.


      • #18
        If the U.S. "aquired" Mexico and sent the military to clean it up we could extend the Texas coast to some really good additional fishing spots.


        • #19
          Mexico, Texas has a ring to it...
          We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


          • #20
            Goodness, you really don't want to own Mexico, as it is a wonderful country but wracked by the drug trade and corruption so bad I don't ever think it can be resolved. Nice idea, but never happen.

            Nope, we need to root out the corruption on our side of the border before getting into that kind of thing. For all the bad stories about Mexico, we have more people in jail per 100,000 people than any other country in the world. We have more corrupt politicians than another other country in the world, too. The crime rate in the US is nearly twice as high as in Mexico, despite all the wicked stories.

            But we're slap broke too. I mean that. We couldn't fight another war using cash dollars because our military has been abused by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Obama spent all the rest of the cash and piled up so much debt THAT WE COULD BE TAKEN OVER BECAUSE WE OWE TOO MUCH MONEY OVERSEAS.

            Think about that ... we're being invaded because of all these countries buying our debts and assets, especially the Chinese and Saudis. Nope, ain't no funny looking people gonna invade our beaches but they can take over all our banks for sure. I don't think the common person knows that America is increasingly owned by a bunch of foreign yahoos.

            Think about that ... if one powerhouse like China decided to call in all their T-bills, government bonds, and import deficit we would be broke as a hillbilly hobo in the 1930s. By the way, China is also taking over Mexico in shipping and other industrial markets, too! Forget all that fighting to take over another country ... we couldn't do it in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan. I can't fix "dumb," folks.


            • #21
              Some how some way Obama will get his 11 million or so Obamos voter if he has his way.I mean look the messsiahh stop the oil leak.lol........we,we.we.we all the way back home!


              • #22
                ok well **** me...im sorry for getting involved in this stupid *** thread


                • #23
                  mexican women are hot.
                  Boats and hoes.

