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Drug gangs in Laredo?

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  • Drug gangs in Laredo?

    Not sure if this true.Got it in an email this morning
    Beer,its not just for breakfast

  • #2
    Chit, time to mount up boys..........
    Pro Staff - Bounty Hunter Turbo Buzz, Creme Lures, New Pro Products, & K9 Fishing Fluorocarbon


    • #3
      Who cares if the left calls us racists for trying to protect our nation. I saw a video online where some good country boys were out in the middle of the night patrolling their ranchland with High Caliber rifles, grenades and such and they title of the video was somthing like, neo nazis patroling the border.
      Last edited by PasadenaMan; July 26, 2010, 01:12 PM.


      • #4
        Quit worrying ......

        The Kenyan in the White House will take care of that.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Yea I'm sure he will get right on that as soon as he is finished with his appearance on "The View".......
          Pro Staff - Bounty Hunter Turbo Buzz, Creme Lures, New Pro Products, & K9 Fishing Fluorocarbon


          • #6
            "'re not Vikings, they're not going to invade us, it doesn't work that way."

            Guy needs to pull his head out of his ***.

            "The Los Zetas are highly trained killers initially trained by United States Special Operations forces to combat the drug cartels within Mexico. As the drug war heated up the Zetas saw more money in working for the cartels and joined up with the Gulf Cartel."

            Sound familiar? Can you say Mujaheddin?! Now the Taliban.
            Fire Gerald Myers and Kent Hance!


            • #7
              Kind ironic there is a article in the new Texas Monthly about how the drug war is not spilling over into Texas. They metion El paso in the article alot saying only one murder was commited in El paso and wasn't related ......i don't buy the BS my dad has many freind in El Paso and Laredo that have closed there business up and left town because of the crime.The TM article is a bunch of fluffy writing.


              • #8
                DEKE your dead on but the Los Zetas seperated from the Gulf Cartel and are now at war with them. The Gulf Cartel told the the citizens of our 51st state to give them ONE year and there will be no more vilence in Mexico. So I'm sure the Los Zetas are gettin out of the danger zone for now.
                We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


                • #9
                  Whatever happened, nobody is talking about it except for some right-winger bloggers, and no activity can be seen or found in the area of the two ranches. The FBI denies any such incident, and the Laredo police can't confirm any reports outside one "anonymous" police officer (Laredo Post, 7/26/2010). The ranchers were contacted and they're fine. Not sure what is going on, so it seems all speculation now, folks talking to people inside their computers! If the black helicopters show up, well ...


                  • #10
                    The article is boolcheet. False.

                    No doubt there are areas of the border where a gringo best not enter.

                    Nothing will be done.
                    West End Anglers - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Moonpie View Post
                      The article is boolcheet. False.
                      hehe, I like your way with words!

                      But stories like that make a ton of money, although the major media outlets didn't run it. People want to think that the "men in black" are creeping over our borders and stealing our wives and cattle, like the stories about the Chupacabra and the Santeria devil worshippers. Yeah and did you hear the US forces trained the Zetas because Obammie doesn't like the Arizona immigration law that will start on Thursday or Friday? LOL, real like is ten times better than fiction, I tell ya.

