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Weekend Warriors - Sarcasm Alert

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  • Weekend Warriors - Sarcasm Alert

    ****Alert - Sarcasm Font in locked “On” position***********
    I would like to apologize to Kenny for the following egregious acts:

    I am sorry for leaving our super duper potlicking spyglasses at the dock-we should have realized from 300+ yards away that you were on a less than .25 mph, in a less than 3 knot wind for a 4 mile drift of the “ahem, your” N. shoreline.
    I am sorry for taking a wide, slow, and quiet entry with engines you can barely hear while running(Hondas) so as to try to see what you were doing.
    I apologize, on behalf of my friend, for buying a bigger boat for the sole purpose of being able to take his 73 old father(not a wimp by any means) with bad knees out on a bay that his father grew up fishing since he was young, instead of bouncing around in a flats boat or not fish at all.
    In my quest to be “perfect, gentile” fisherman(like you), I apologize for falling woefully short in my endeavor. I thought I knew everything.
    I apologize for being an unholy, worthless and weak, dirty fishing whore and switching from a top to slinging croaker once my friend stuck a fish after only being there less than 20 minutes and “ten feet from the boat”
    I apologize for desecrating the reef by parking “on it” even though his skegs were not hitting shell and we stepped out into a hard sand bottom.
    Finally, I apologize for making you crank your motor within 50 yds of us, instead of trolling out of the area. Can I have your number, so I can make sure we don’t intrude on your turf- that being all of the West bay complex.
    Kenny – maybe you should change your career path and go into politics. You know, with such an out-going, gregarious demeanor that you have, I think you could really go far. Although, I suggest starting out grass roots and small, maybe the Mayor of Sea Isle…scratch that-Naw!, Aim higher!…Jamaica Beach, Galveston. Maybe they’ll even name a reef after you some day.

    Sarcasm Font in “Off” position
    I do apologize for being too close to the reef, but in that boat once you commit to a certain tack, it’s really hard to fix your heading at slow speed. We could have reversed and re-positioned, but would have done more damage than good. I thought we were too close to the reef and should have ended up farther away from you - I hinted at that to him(don’t mean to throw him under the bus). This is one of the few times for us to wade out of that boat, much less get into a skinny shoreline like that-it’s comes with a few different challenges - still learning as always.
    I do apologize if the end result was cutting off your drift with your brother.
    I do apologize for having to throw anchor with an anchor windlass and disturbing the area.
    I don’t apologize for being a “witless weekender” and having to only get a few days on the water per month. I try to enjoy it as much as I know you do. I am jealous of your ability to choose how much time you get on the water. We seemed to be able to still scratch out a few good ones to until 10:30…see below
    Btw, the father’s bday was 8-8, but had to leave because of heat exhaustion after we took him fishing the day before at the same spot(except a little farther away from the reef). His son even manually unstuck the anchor and drug him out because the fish were going deeper with the heat of the day. Maybe all could meet up some day and have a chili dog.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Bwahahahaha, how'd I know this way coming.

    Heck of a catch Harry!
    We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


    • #3
      No pics this time JT!!
      I work just enough to pay for my fishing habit.


      • #4
        Nice catch,congrats
        Beer,its not just for breakfast


        • #5


          • #6
            Again!! dang Kenny the list is growing....Funny stuff rotflmao!!
            MANVEL MOB


            • #7
              Nice one
              the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


              • #8
                Is that top trout 15"? lmao.
                "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


                • #9
                  Have you obtained your parking permit -similar to Surfside's Beach Pass? They aint cheap!!
                  "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                  • #10
                    WOW......Nice fish weekend Warrior....lol
                    Everything God does is right, the trademark on all his work is Love. Psalm 145:17


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        If you had an air cooled gator-tail motor he wouldn't have said anything...

                        "Go like a gator" -Phil Robertson Duck Commander
                        We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I guess I should be more selective who I ***** about on the www.
                          At least you understand the issues involved, I I learned if I'm going to drift a reef to start on it......
                          "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                          • #14
                            No Fishing signs might help
                            "Team Waist Deep"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kenny View Post
                              Yeah, I guess I should be more selective who I ***** about on the www.
                              At least you understand the issues involved, I I learned if I'm going to drift a reef to start on it......
                              Walt Disney's It's A Small World After AllOne of the most annoying songs EVER.Music by Walt Disney.A Production By PyrOmina.

