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rod customers needed

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  • rod customers needed

    hi guy's
    just wanted to touch base with you one and all on a subject that is near and dear to us all "fishing rods" and these i have plenty of , i have given this some thought off and on for some time and just never really decided if i wanted to try this or not, you know how people have sales say like my self i will offer up my rods for a sale price of $170 but then perhaps there might be people out there on westend that might be thinking "man i really would like to get me a custom billystix but i just can't swing that right now "wish he would run that rod for $159.00 i might be able to swing that
    so i have often thought why not have a sale and call it "make me your best offer " sale, now i can take it or i can say to you i could build that rod if you could come up with $20 bucks, now i am not sure if this type thing would ever fly but i am game for just about most anything so i think i am going to let the hair go with the hyde and give it a shot, i have nothing to lose.
    i can tell you this if you will be reasonable in your quest you have a golden oppurtunity to get yourself one of the very best rods that money can buy.
    this much i can promise you, why am i doing this ""simple"" i want to increase my standing's in your area by 100% of course i reliaze this will never happen but then it want hurt to wish will it.
    give it some thought and then give me a try, and put me to the metal.
    ps the blue label is new for the guy's that belong to the "masonic" lodge
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