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Mosquito Central

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  • Mosquito Central

    Its normal to get a few bites from skeeters on a fishing trip around the shorelines/bank fishing or just hanging out in Galveston. Normally some good 40% DEET spray will keep them at bay... but lately???? WTF is going on with them? it seems like they are on their last HOO-RA before winter or something.

    I have never seen so many mosquitos in my life... and to make things worse, it seems like they are all immune to DEET. Its almost unbearable lately

  • #2
    Maybe the north wind blew them out marshes?

    I hate skeeters,.........reminds me of liberals.


    • #3
      Ditto on that, i heard that Moody golf course is covered up with them.


      • #4
        they are bad at the beach to.
        the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


        • #5
          I hit a few spots yesterday and they were all over me like I stole their wallet or something. And yes, they seem to be immune to the Deet nowadays...
          "I love the smell of napalm and watermelon slicks in the mornin'...."


          • #6
            It's all the rain we had last week. 5-7 days is the peak after a rain like that.
            Honk if you love Jesus.
            Text while driving if you want to meet him.


            • #7
              I'm working on a story about this for the Daily News. E-mail me if you're willing to talk about how horrible they've been/ what you're doing to keep from being eaten/ where you live.

              I'm at amanda.casanova@galvnews.com.



              • #8
                The plane flew over the west end today spraying for them. I was in the second sand bar in the surf this morning and they were getting me!
                LIVIN THE SALT LIFE


                • #9
                  E-Mail sent.
                  We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WestEndAngler View Post
                    E-Mail sent.
                    Was there not a story on this shortly after Ike, where the plane(s) was damaged, funding was low, etc. etc.?

                    They were increasingly nasty as the wind turn around and came from the north, starting this past weekend.
                    At his baptism, Sam Houston was told his sins were washed away. He reportedly replied, “I pity the fish downstream.” - Nov. 19, 1854 - Independence, Texas


                    • #11
                      Some buddies of mine came in from out of town last week and while I knew they were bad, they were shocked and it almost put a damper on the weekend. I guess they were just so ready to catch fish when they got here they didn't listen at all when I said "by the way, the mosquitos are ferocious". 4 days, 4 bottles of OFF, 2 citronella candles, and one miniature fogger later, we were all covered in bites.

                      Nothing can stop them.
                      Live every week like its shark week


                      • #12
                        The OFF stuff is OK... its got 22% +- DEET... the waterproof has less, like 14% The best spray I have seen is REPEL sportsman... its got 40%... WOO WOO and it protects from the biting flies too... its MUCH more effective in my experience.

                        I apply skeeter repellent by spraying it in my hand and then rubbing, (less overspray) and you can feel the difference between the REPEL and OFF... REPEL is much more sticky, dries faster, lasts a crap load longer, and (this may be a negative to you) I can feel the layer dry on my skin. The OFF just feels like water. and washes away with sweat.


                        • #13
                          They are soooooooooo bad at our house right now, the worst I think I've ever seen them!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by amanda.casanova10 View Post
                            I'm working on a story about this for the Daily News. E-mail me if you're willing to talk about how horrible they've been/ what you're doing to keep from being eaten/ where you live.

                            I'm at amanda.casanova@galvnews.com.

                            My girlfriends parents grew up in EL SALVADOR... AKA rains every day, country on the equator jungle rain forest tons of skeeters... They NEVER complain about mosquitos until last weekend...


                            • #15
                              Thermacell guys! Works wonders!
                              We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!

