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Blockade Runners Invite: Nov. 19th through 23rd

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  • Blockade Runners Invite: Nov. 19th through 23rd

    Well, it's Wednesday, and that means it's invite time. With Thanksgiving week coming up, I'll be out there a bit longer for an extended weekend, from Friday night through Tuesday afternoon.

    VJER, his brother Tony, their dad and Dean are heading out Friday to get things lined out and get Pappa Martinez and Dean some fishing time. I'll be heading out with the T1-11 sheets and roof tin after dark.

    Saturday Dean and Pappa Maritinez will head in early and we'll be working on the shed all day. Hopefully we'll get it all done and dried in. If not, we'll get it finished on Sunday. If history is any indication, VJER and Tony will head in for the Texans game on Sunday.

    I've had a couple folks say they may want to come out, but nothing concrete. So here are the stats on beds open per night.

    Fri: 4 beds open
    Sat: 6 beds open
    Sun: 8 beds open
    Mon: 8 beds open

    As y'all can see, there's plenty of room for anyone. Just bring out your food and beverages. Unless you want to lend a hand on Saturday/early Sunday, in which case, I've got your beer and food taken care of if you put your name in the pot by Thursday. I don't mind being out there by myself, but it's more fun with friends.

    If we get it all done on Sunday, I'll be fishin' all day Monday.

    I'll be heading in on Tuesday afternoon so I can get to the Big Easy for the family Thanksgiving.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."

  • #2
    Hadn't heard much but a few crickets out there. I'm headed to the market now, with nobody to buy food for but me, Vic, and Tony. So if you do decide to come out later, make sure you bring some vittles and beverages.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


    • #3
      Well, the crew began on the shed today and it looks pretty slick. It's just a beginning, but it's a start. I'm lounging on the couch with Albert and the crew is fishin' on the dock. Not much luck so far tonight. Got the first legal trout only just now. I'm pretty whipped after dealing with my heathens today at school. I'll tell y'all, the day before a week long vacation is NOT the day to expect them to do any work.

      Torque, his boy, and his buddy will be here at some point tomorrow, as will Wayner, who is still campin' out at the KOA. Hopefully we get the shed done tomorrow, but I reckon it won't be completely done and painted until after Thanksgiving. Tomorrow will tell. I'm gonna hit the sack and let these youngsters fish.
      From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


      • #4
        Update Sandollar, whats going on. Kinda breezy tonight at work on San Jacinto Bay but the water is very clear.
        Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.


        • #5
          Caught many a fish in that bay off the tug.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 2112 View Post
            Update Sandollar, whats going on. Kinda breezy tonight at work on San Jacinto Bay but the water is very clear.
            Bert you don't reely want to hear this but it's a flounder moon in a non gigging month.


            • #7
              It's ok Chris, I don't like cold weather gigging to begin with it's just the idea of being told I can't do it that sets me on fire.

              Fuzzy, I know what you mean. I witnessed the most intense top water feed I have ever seen here one night this summer
              The surface was close to resembleing a rolling boil, it was very intense for about an hour. It was like listening to popcorn at at its peak of popping and staying that way. I've never seen anything like it before or scince.
              Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 2112 View Post
                Update Sandollar, whats going on. Kinda breezy tonight at work on San Jacinto Bay but the water is very clear.
                Hush there are no fish in the San Jacinto Bay!.................Sandy i hope ya'll are having a good time on the camp!


                • #9
                  Thanks for going out of your way to tow BigJohn in Sandy.
                  I work just enough to pay for my fishing habit.


                  • #10
                    Not a problem. I was just heading in to pick up Primer, so we both went over and grabbed them. It was a long tow because the tide was full against us. I'd have hung out with them or at least shook their hands, but I had a pot of green beans on the fire back at the camp. Hope they didn't think ill of me for cutting out so fast. Luckily, they got in safe and the green beans were only slightly over-cooked. Good job hookin' me up with them. Thanks also to Matthew for the gas. I'd have been in trouble if'n he hadn't given me the 4 gallons.
                    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


                    • #11
                      Look's like I missed out on something today, running a taxi service and towing someone in is right up my alley. Just got back a little while ago from taking care of the "Honey Do" and I just put a arm roast and brisket on the pit. Wish I was out there with ya'll Sandy.
                      A Little deeper in debt.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 007 View Post
                        Thanks for going out of your way to tow BigJohn in Sandy.
                        x2 wtg helpin him out
                        MANVEL MOB


                        • #13
                          Thanks for having me and my buddies over Sandy, It was good to see ya'll and enjoy the serenity of the bayou for a bit. Sorry about sticking your boat.

                          A few pics I took.

                          I tried to take a shot that would capture the essence of work at the camp. I am pretty pleased with this one.

                          Note the "supervisor" position Sandy is in, as well as the beverage being lifted to the lips (note orientation of can, incorrect due to previous ingestion of said beverages)

                          Kidding guys (sorry Sandy ). Sandy was helping out very well with the generator shed, which is coming out great. There was plenty of help, so it was me and a buddy of mine who were sitting out of the way.

                          My buddy (the working one) caught a blue crab bare handed. For some reason I'm not too impressed though.

                          He can throw a net OK too (when the boat is floating).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by coachlaw View Post
                            No. Thanks also to Matthew for the gas. I'd have been in trouble if'n he hadn't given me the 4 gallons.
                            The 1 or two times I have been to the camp, I brough offerings, fuel and drink. You never know when you might need either.
                            I will continue to do that...


                            • #15
                              LMAO! Good post Yan. My only question is, How did I get that fat? Must be a bad camera angle or something.

                              Things are awesome out here. I posted an update on Saturday night, but my internet cut out. After everyone left on Sunday Primer came out and we got a little done around the place after the Saints game. I actually took this entire morning to fish, and nothin' else. We caught a gaggle of small reds, but Primer went home with a nice 22 inch red.

                              After he left, I met up with Wayner for a spell and came back to the camp to get some work done. I went down under and organized everything and cleaned up a bunch. Wayner and his lovely wife, Joyce joined in for some front porch sittin' around sunset. I gave my usual history lesson and we had a good old time.

                              Right now I'm messin' about the place organizing things. Time to get back to work.
                              From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."

