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Trout Article in the Houston Chronicle

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  • Trout Article in the Houston Chronicle

    Cast your opinion

    The TPWD is considering altering speckled trout regulations and wants the input of Texas anglers

    Copyright 2010 Houston Chronicle

    Dec. 1, 2010, 10:24PM

    Shannon Tompkins Chronicle

    Texas coastal fisheries managers have seen speckled trout numbers in West Matagorda, San Antonio and Aransas bays sharply decline over the past several years.

    Over the next month, Texas coastal fisheries managers will ask the state's 800,000 or so saltwater anglers a seemingly simple question about the hugely popular speckled trout fishery.

    "It comes down to, 'How do you want us to manage your fishery?,' " said Art Morris, outreach specialist for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's coastal fisheries division, of the agency's plans to solicit input on potential changes in rules governing the harvest of speckled trout.
    Do anglers want the state to continue with the status quo which, history predicts, will result in trout populations and fishing success seeing erratic ups and downs with no guarantee those downward trends won't dominate?
    Or do anglers want to see more conservative harvest regulations that, if the impacts of such rules in the Lower Laguna Madre are indicative, should produce a more stable population and lead to the average angler's possibly catching more and larger trout?
    TPWD officials say the answer they get will play a role in deciding whether the agency proposes the first major statewide change in speckled trout harvest regulations in more than two decades.
    Overall, Texas' speckled trout fishery is doing well considering the challenges it faces from high fishing pressure, ever-increased angler efficiency, shrinking estuarine habitat and a run of environmental conditions (drought, mostly) that have negatively impacted populations in some bay systems.
    Some problem areas

    Statewide, trout abundance, as gauged by spring gill net surveys conducted by coastal fisheries staff, has held fairly steady over the past decade. In some recent years, gill net surveys produced the highest catch rates of trout in some bay systems since the standardized surveys began in the 1970s. And even though it has declined a bit over the past couple of years, the gill net catch rate of trout coastwide is still higher than it was for much of the 1980s.
    Coastwide, the number of trout landed by Texas' recreational anglers, determined through creel surveys conducted by coastal fisheries staff, has also held fairly steady over the past decade.
    But some recent hiccups in those generally positive numbers have triggered a push for the TPWD to consider more conservative regulations as a way to maintain healthy trout populations.
    "Over the past few years, we have seen a decline in landings and abundance of trout in some bay systems on the central coast," said Robin Riechers, director of the TPWD's coastal fisheries division. "That's generated interest in possible conservation measures."
    Three bay systems — West Matagorda, San Antonio and Aransas — have been the most "problematic," Riechers told the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission's regulations committee during a briefing this past month. After enjoying peaks in trout abundance and landings earlier this decade, the three bays have each seen steady decline.
    The problem appears to be a combination of consecutive years of poor spawning success and recruitment of young trout into the fishery at the same time heavy fishing pressure was knocking a hole in the adult population. And trout seemed particularly vulnerable; other species such as redfish and black drum were doing great in the same bays where trout were stumbling.
    This is much the same situation that faced the Lower Laguna Madre earlier this decade. While populations and landings of redfish and other species were stable or improving, the trout population had been in a long, steady decline in both size and abundance. And while Lower Laguna trout were having decent spawns, the young fish were disappearing (into ice chests, it seemed) as soon as they hit the 15-inch minimum length requirement.
    Bag limit likely would change

    In 2007, the TPWD addressed the situation by doing something it had never done: impose a regional trout regulation.
    While the rest of the state remained under the 10-trout daily bag limit that had been in effect since 1984, anglers fishing in the Lower Laguna were restricted to taking no more than five.
    Three years into the five-trout limit, the Lower Laguna's trout population hasn't greatly improved in number — but it's not getting worse. And interestingly, fishing success has improved.
    "It certainly seems to have helped the quality of that fishery," Riechers said.
    Prior to the five-trout limit, only 4 percent of anglers on the Lower Laguna landed five specks in a day, Riechers told the TPW Commission. Two years after the reduced limit took effect, 10 percent of Lower Laguna anglers checked by TPWD creel surveys had landed five trout — more than twice as many as before the rule change.
    And the trout they boxed were larger, on average, than those kept before the five-trout limit. In other Texas bays, and in the Lower Laguna before the five-trout limit rule, the average trout kept by anglers was just over the 15-inch minimum. Today, the average trout kept in the Lower Laguna is 16 inches.
    With concerns that the slump in trout populations needs to be addressed, the TPWD's coastal fisheries division plans to ask the public what changes, if any, in speckled trout regulations should be proposed.
    The effective options for reducing speckled trout harvest are limited, Riechers said.
    Increasing the current 15-inch minimum length requirement, put into place in 1989 and designed to allow female trout at least one spawning season before being eligible for harvest, would not be very effective at reducing harvest.
    "We'll look at minimum size limits, but you get the bigger bang for your buck with reductions in the bag limit," Riechers said.
    No rush to judgment

    TPWD data indicates if Texas went to a statewide five-fish daily bag limit for speckled trout, it would result in a 14 percent reduction in the number of specks kept by anglers. Anglers fishing with guides would see their annual take of trout drop by 22 percent, while non-guided anglers would take home 12 percent fewer trout.
    (Anglers fishing with guides account for only about 20 percent of the fishing pressure on Texas bays but take about one-third of the speckled trout landed.)
    That reduction in harvest should help currently healthy speckled trout populations stay that way and improve those suffering declines.
    But that's not to say Texas speckled trout are in dire straits.
    "There are no huge alarm bells going off," Morris said.
    "We don't have to propose any changes in the regulations if we're willing to live with the constant ups and downs we're seeing," Riechers said. "But we want to let fishermen know the situation and hear what they think."
    To that end, the agency plans seven public "scoping" meetings during January to lay out the situation and expected impact of possible regulation changes and to let anglers offer suggestions.
    Dates, locations and times of those meetings are being finalized, with plans for meetings at six locations along the coast and one in San Antonio.
    If the TPWD decides to propose changes to speckled trout regulations, they will be officially offered at the Jan. 26-27 TPW Commission meeting in Austin and subject to another public comment period before possibly coming before the commission for a final decision at the board's March 31 meeting.


    Prior to 1978
    No statewide bag limit or minimum size requirement, although some coastal counties impose a 12-inch minimum length limit.
    In December, a 20-fish daily bag limit and 12-inch minimum length requirement take effect statewide. But because some counties retained authority to override state regulations, the daily bag limit did not apply in Galveston Bay or part of San Antonio Bay.
    Texas Legislature bans use of single-strand monofilament gill nets in most bays.
    All types of gill nets banned in all of state’s coastal waters.
    Texas Legislature designates speckled trout and redfish as game fish, prohibiting the commercial sale of those species.
    Texas Legislature passes Uniform Wildlife Conservation Act, removing counties’ authority to override Texas Parks and Wildlife Department regulations. All state coastal waters are under a 20-trout, 12-inch minimum daily bag limit.
    In response to a record-breaking freeze in December 1983, which killed millions of speckled trout and other inshore marine fish, the TPWD cuts the daily limit on speckled trout to 10.
    Following a fish-killing freeze in February, the TPWD increases the minimum length for speckled trout to 15 inches. The daily bag limit remained at 10.
    The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts rules limiting anglers to retaining no more than one speckled trout measuring 25 inches or more per day, and prohibiting licensed fishing guides from keeping fish (speckled trout or other species) when the guides have clients aboard their boat.
    2007 The TPWD reduces the daily bag limit for speckled trout caught in the Lower Laguna Madre to five fish. The bag limit remains 10 fish in all other Texas bays. The 15-inch minimum length remains in place statewide.

  • #2
    Leave them alone!


    • #3
      I don't see how reducing the bag limit would be a terrible thing. If some of the State's fisheries are hurting, I would be willing to sacrifice a few fish. If the lower limit is a proven means to improve the troubled areas, just imagine what it could do for your honey holes.


      • #4
        I am inclined to say leave them regulations as they are.

        I am of the opinion: If you want to improve the fishery, fix what man has destroyed. That would be the oyster reefs. Rebuild and restore them to what they were 40 years ago. Oysters are the life's blood of our bay system. I have read that other States have been doing this and they are having amazing results.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Root Canal View Post
          I am inclined to say leave them regulations as they are.

          I am of the opinion: If you want to improve the fishery, fix what man has destroyed. That would be the oyster reefs. Rebuild and restore them to what they were 40 years ago. Oysters are the life's blood of our bay system. I have read that other States have been doing this and they are having amazing results.
          I agree too! As well the marshes and bayou's that are the nurseries for the bait and species we love to catch.Do any of you think there are to many rat red's in the marshes and bayou's?


          • #6
            I'm for keeping it like it is and continuing to educate more anglers about keeping fewer fish and catch and release of larger trout. That's self-governance, which in my mind is the best kind.

            Texas is rebuilding estuaries and planting marsh grasses up and down the coast. I've also read or seen a program about creating oyster beds by placing hard structure (even bundles of bamboo) in bays along shorelines so oyster spats would have a place to attach and grow new reefs. Both of these along with ideas about how to make sure rivers still adequately flow into bays and water quality is maintained and improved.

            The thing that got my attention was this section....
            TPWD data indicates if Texas went to a statewide five-fish daily bag limit for speckled trout, it would result in a 14 percent reduction in the number of specks kept by anglers. Anglers fishing with guides would see their annual take of trout drop by 22 percent, while non-guided anglers would take home 12 percent fewer trout.
            (Anglers fishing with guides account for only about 20 percent of the fishing pressure on Texas bays but take about one-third of the speckled trout landed.)

            If this information is accurate then maybe they should think about a bag reduction for guided trips. I know this is a sensitive issue, and well, let's just be frank and honest. Nobody likes anyone messing with their paychecks and I understand that. Maybe there's a better way like the afore mentioned education and self-governance..
            "GET OFF MY REEF!"


            • #7
              kenny, you nailed it on the head.


              • #8
                This is just an observation:

                I fish Port Mansfield 2-3 times per year. For years the scenario was the same. We would wade through schools and catch loads of under sized trout (+-14") to get to the keeper trout (15-16"). Since the introduction of the 5 trout limit, we are now wading through schools of 16" trout to get to the 19-21" trout.

                Last year will did a little non scientific survey and I can't remember the exact weights. But we filleted ten trout between 15-16" and five trout 18"-20". ( this was very representative of the trout we were catching) We weighed the fillets and the five bigger trout fillets weighed more than the smaller ten trout fillets. There were 8 of us fishing together and no laws were broken during our little survey.

                I am sure the results varies, but try it up here on the West End and see what you come up with


                • #9
                  Has there every been a survey done obn freshwater flow and the lack of say going back to the 1960's.The guides are a prisoner of the economy right now so there limit count's have to be down and now some won't to beat a man while he's down.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by reeltime View Post
                    Has there every been a survey done obn freshwater flow and the lack of say going back to the 1960's.The guides are a prisoner of the economy right now so there limit count's have to be down and now some won't to beat a man while he's down.
                    I fished the 60's and 70's before limits and we caught a LOT of trout, big trout. Nobody I knew ever measured or weighted a fish, but there wasn't as much pressure and there really wasn't much technology. The freshwater inflow had to have been better but the water quality probably was questionable.
                    I'm not picking on the guides, just making some observations. Your idea about the economy limiting their take is very astute.
                    "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                    • #11
                      Hmmmm guide bashing already Kenny??? lol j/k

                      How about this

                      I think TPWD wants it uniform throughout the coast. I dont care either way, as i rarely eat trout... However, I do enjoy catching them and I have not noticed a decline in any way , shape or form in the galveston area... now, I have noticed that all my buds are complaining down south of matty that they are not seeing the numbers as they once were. So maybe it would be ok to limit them in those bay systems.. maybe take it to 5fish south of the colorado maybe???

                      I dont have a solution for them down south, other than that there are too many folks on the bay.. We know they wont ever limit bay access and even in a down economy, our bays are turning into parking lots...

                      Go shallow, and fish for redfish is my moto lol
                      Capt. Thomas Barlow


                      • #12
                        Fishing guides are Ok with me, there are just too many. Hey that's an idea, a guide "buy back" program to reduce their proliferation!
                        "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                        • #13
                          keep the first 10(12 inch min.) you catch.im not real sure what the survival rate is for the all the smaller fish we catch and release looking for that big one.i remember fishing Layola beach when i was a kid and 20+ inch trout were not uncommon at all.even back then before there were limits we never kept more than a couple meals worth.
                          Beer,its not just for breakfast


                          • #14
                            I can tell you one thing, the by-catch from the majority of anglers with undersized fish is high, as they try to do surgery on the fish to remove a 25 cent hook.

                            If we just cut the line, I think we could see a huge increase in the small ones making it.

                            And if you ever want to see fishing pressue ....take a look at the south shoreline of east or west gorda ...... you can space the boats out every 75 yards .......
                            FISH CONTROL MY BRAIN


                            • #15
                              I think they should cut the limit to 5. 10 trout is more than enough to feed a family. As far as size changing, I believe the 15" gives a fish 1 breeding season before eligible for the fryer, so I would leave the minimum size alone and make the maximum 1 25" or greater per daily bag.
                              "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

