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Sad day for bow hunters .... :(

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  • 45 ACP
    Wow, I couldnt even read that thread. I tried, but couldnt. Bunch of rambling.

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  • bountyhunter
    Yes it is hard for me to even think about the subject any more as it makes my blood boil. Reading the posts in that thread is a fine example of the kind of folks they will be turning loose in the woods this fall during bowseason. I'm just glad I now my own property where I don't have to worry about them like I did when I hunted public land. Never could bring myself to spend money on a lease, never paid to hunt in my life. Where and when I was growing up you didn't have to pay to hunt someone's land you just asked and they said yes or no. Most of the time in my case it was yes and I had a reputation for leaving everything just like I found it and if I did make a kill, I always offered the land owner some of my meat. All I can say is there will likely not be an archery season much longer, but I hope I'm wrong.

    Next spring we may just have to have an FWE Bow Hog Hunt up at my place. Those that don't bow hunt, can just come up camp and party!

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  • 45 ACP
    Ahhh. I looked here and didnt see the topic. Guess I shoulda looked there too.

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  • bountyhunter
    Yes a sad day that I don't want to get into again.

    Here is a link to where I get down and dirty about this subject.

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  • 45 ACP
    started a topic Sad day for bow hunters .... :(

    Sad day for bow hunters .... :(

    Im am sure opinions will vary on this, but I just learned that the bill proposed to allow crossbows during archery season was passed. I think it happened a week or two ago, and Im sorry if its old news but I just learned of it.

    I am an avid bowhunter, and for years I have cherished October as a time when die hard hunters could get out and have the woods to ourselves. Bowhunters, at least the majority of us, seem to have an unmatched respect for the animals we hunt. It consumes us. I think about it when I eat, sleep, work, drink, drive, ect. ect.

    Anyways, just wanted to hear yalls thoughts. I practice with my bow pretty much year round. You have many things to consider such as arrow spine, grip, anchor points, follow through, release, torque ect. ect. To me, this only opens the door to many people that wont practice and can just pick up a crossbow and go to the woods without the same bleeding desire and respect I share with my father and friends and other hard core bow hunters.

    It makes me wonder what is in store for us next, a couple of years down the road. Again, this is just my opinion.