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Sad day for bow hunters .... :(

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  • 45 ACP
    Originally posted by Moonpie View Post
    I'm curious. Why exactly is this a "bad" thing?

    Gonna play devils' advocate here for a minute..............

    1.) It allows folks who perhaps can not use a bow to hunt.

    4.) People get old and some have health issues. They may still want to achery hunt. A crossbow allows folks to do this. Don't hate on them.
    You'll be there one day yourself.

    Asbestos suit on.
    First of all, your #1 and #4 are the same thing.

    Also, disabled people were already allowed to hunt during archery season with a crossbow, so why change it now???

    I guess my beef is that anyone can pick up a crossbow, shoulder it, look throught the scope, and pull the trigger. It takes way more skill, dedication, and practice to shoot a bow accurately.

    I dont really have anything against crossbows. But its when they start encroaching on "Archery Only" season that it bothers me.

    Im just sayin' .....................

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  • GHSmacker
    Originally posted by JT View Post
    3. not talk about ghsmaker being a damm aggy and....
    Guess that little book of jokes finally ran out.

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  • GHSmacker
    Originally posted by 007 View Post
    Why haven't I ever seen you post a report?
    Because he only fishes when AP calls him and says he's on some fish.

    Rides those coattails all the way to the cleaning table....

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  • 007
    Originally posted by JT View Post
    (**** ***)....you dont know what that means?
    JT............we either need to fight or party!! I'm not much of a partier. NOT!!!!

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  • JT
    (**** ***)....you dont know what that means?

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  • 007
    Derrick.........you are who you are. I wouldn't want to fish with anyone less!!

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  • bountyhunter
    Moonpie you got it all wrong!

    I really don't care how you hunt or fish if you do it within the means of the law.

    For years it was illegal to hunt with a crossbow during archery only season, why was that you must ask yourself. It was because crossbows though very simular to normal archery equipment (longbow, recruve or compound) was never considered to be the same class of weapon. You cock a crossbow and load your bolt and it stays loaded, all you have to do then is pull the trigger like on a gun. Real archery equipment requires the hunter to draw his/her bow right before making the shot. Crossbows were also not considered to be archery equipment because the have shoulder mounted stocks. They are a different class of weapon that have been impossed on what was suppose to be Archery Only season.

    By your logic, I should be able to us a modern firearm during Muzzleloader season without anyone getting upset. What I and a lot of bowhunter have been saying all along is there was no need to change they law. With the compounds of today a person can shoot just as good and as far as any of the crossbows. They problem is the people that will run to wally world the last week of Sept. and get a crossbow are just flat lazy.

    You keep saying I'm lumping all the people that decide to hunt with a crossbow in the same group and I'm not. I even said in my posts before there will be some that do everything right, just like some of the folks that bowhunted before the law changed were complete screwups. There is no single group of people.

    Your point about about arties and live bait is even screwed. For some of us there is no hard line. I mostly fish arties and it is my perferred method, there are times I like to put a rod out keep back and drink a few cold ones and let the bait do all the work. You are the guy that are putting everyone in classes, not me and not bowhunters in general. Lets just say they could have done it a lot better. If they wanted to open Archery season up to more people then they could have said all persons under 17 or with a medical handicap could use crossbows. That would have opened archery season up to the young people and there wouldn't have been on arguement from us bowhunters. We just didn't like a completely different class of weapon imposed on our season. It worries us, as what is next? We know they want to open all of archery season to youth rifle. So next year they are going to try and pass a new law where anyone 17 and under can use a firearm during archery only season. If that passes, where does it stop? It stops when there is no longer an Archery Only season, and then who is imposing on who the methods to be used?

    Thank you and good night, I'm very tired of playing this game and being called something, that anyone who knows me, knows I'm not.

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  • 007
    What does lomg live mean?

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  • JT
    Well. me for one is going to start.......

    1. posting more fishing reports and...

    2. stop talking about AP using live bait and...

    3. not talk about ghsmaker being a damm aggy and....

    4. not talk about anymore about moonpie being a muslim homosexual...

    Lomg Live FWE,

    Capt jt

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  • 007
    Originally posted by Moonpie View Post
    It's not that you fish with bait or you don't or use a crossbow or a regular bow.

    Its the demanding that a person fish/hunt the same way you do.
    Reverse it for a second.
    Do you think you would mind if the law suddenly changed and said you can only use bait to fish? No more lures allowed because some other group doesn't like you using them. Me thinks you would.

    For the record: I respect whatever method YOU choose for yourself.
    When you choose which method I can use then not so much.
    It doesn't matter what you do, there's always gonna be purists in any sport that you may participate in weather it be fishing or hunting or golf or billiards. I think what BH is trying to say is when crossbow season comes up, you're gonna have a bunch of yahoos that went out at the last minute to wallyworld and bought a xbow and some bolts and are gonna start shooting anything that moves at first light. I can understand both ends of the debate and for the record, I'm not on either side.

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  • Moonpie
    It's not that you fish with bait or you don't or use a crossbow or a regular bow.

    Its the demanding that a person fish/hunt the same way you do.
    Reverse it for a second.
    Do you think you would mind if the law suddenly changed and said you can only use bait to fish? No more lures allowed because some other group doesn't like you using them. Me thinks you would.

    For the record: I respect whatever method YOU choose for yourself.
    When you choose which method I can use then not so much.

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  • JT
    because all i do when i get in from a fishing trip is sit on the front porch and drink whiskey?

    btw ap....you bout to permanently alienate Muddskipper if you keep talking about croakers.

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  • 007
    Originally posted by aqua pimp View Post
    They didn't even want shrimp that day but the 2 coolers of beer we had that day was cold and the Metallica was loud! Don't get any better LOL

    ROGER THAT!!!!!

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  • aqua pimp
    They didn't even want shrimp that day but the 2 coolers of beer we had that day was cold and the Metallica was loud! Don't get any better LOL


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  • 007
    Originally posted by aqua pimp View Post
    I do fish with skrimp every now and then but for the record, Croakers be not allowed in my boat!!!!! Never have and NEVER WILL.

    You just broke my heart AP!!!!!!!!!! I haven't fished with live bait since we fished with you that one time.http://www.fishwestend.com/forum/ima.../pirateguy.gif

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