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Someone on the Blue Team Explain Exactly....

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  • #31
    it has to makes you feel better tho, knowing that the decorated "war hero" John Kerry is in there helping out. lmao!


    • #32
      Originally posted by boom View Post
      Actually the likeness of 0bama to Hitler is astounding. I was in a discussion about the UAW with a yank last week and he actually quoted Hitler to support his argument of the need for the UAW. I'm all for a good time but when the dope makes you that stupid it is time to stop.
      ....HOLY Crap Boom!! A dues paying Union Member on DOPE?? You have got to be kidding me!


      • #33
        All parties aside the facts are as follows:

        ISIS,AlQueda,Taliban, and Boka Karam ALL wantyou dead if you dont believe in ISLAM. ISLAMIC radicals want all people to be judged by Shari Law.Lets think back to thhe christian crusade,the spanish inquisition and the holocuast which have happened. Who says it it cant happen again? Its happened before!! They say they people are the most tenacious and fight the hardest for their cause usually win the war. ISLAM radicals are winning because everyone ignores the facts and they are fighting for their cause. Right or wrong just a fact. Its just a matter of time and then history will recall how it happened. Wait no it wont because ISLAM radicals will have burned all the books ( those that win the wars write the history books). Peace would be great. and so would winning the lottery. These are facts and not political.
        Bacon Bacon Bacon!!!

