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  • #16


    • #17
      Welcome to the tribe, just take it easy and

      MAY THE <*(())>< BE WITH YOU


      • #18
        Welcome and enjoy the site. Great advice on your maiden voyage in the previous posts. Launch the boat and take it easy and you'll be fine. You'll learn more finding your own way than following your GPS......recalculating......recalculating.
        "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


        • #19
          Welcome aboard, I just run wide open and if I run ground I just dont fish there again!
          Bacon Bacon Bacon!!!


          • #20
            If you choose Chocolate, I would recommend staying in the bayou and in the channel until you learn where you can and can not go. The lower end of Chocolate Bayou has a few old bayou bends/ox bows that can be shallow this time of year.

            If you are a new boat owner, please pay close attention to the wake you are projecting towards the other boaters that may be fishing, drinking or both. You don't want to be responsable from ruining a man's fishing and spilling his beer.


            • #21
              "Cause we drank all the fish, and caught all the beer"


              • #22
                Welcome to FWE

                Take easy in Chocolate..... Chocolate is a very difficult bay to navigate. Its a very shallow bay with lots of reefs and spoil reefs right outside the channel. Its only averages 4' on normal tides. In the winter it averages less than that especially after a norther. Take your time motoring around and I would not recommend running wide open until you get familiar with the bay. Watch other boats and learn where you main cuts through the spoil reefs are to get into the actual bay and out of the channel. A lot of the spoil reefs you can see but some will be hiding right under the surface. Chocolate is a great place to fish and those reefs and spoil reefs hold a lot of fish.

                Good luck and be careful

                AQUA PIMP
                AQUA PIMP......
                "SALTWATER PIMP'N AIN'T EZ"



                • #23
                  Once you get your gps you will be able to get around alot easier! So just hang in the channell untill you get it and then venture out. Make sure you get one with a depth finder or add a depth finder. I run thru there all the time in the dark and could not do it with out the mentioned above!!
                  Bacon Bacon Bacon!!!


                  • #24
                    Welcome aboard.
                    "Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after" ~ Henry David Thoreau


                    • #25
                      Thanks for all of the input everyone! I do have a depth finder, so that should help for now. We definitely will not be running wide open, we will be taking our time. Hopefully we catch some fish!! What is a good choice for bait? We usually use live shrimp or gulps, but I have never fished in Chocolate, so I have no idea what to try.


                      • #26
                        Shrimp or Gulps under a popping Cork work fine. I personaly like Bass Assassins rigged on 1/8 ounce lead heads and do really well there using those aswell as topwaters.

                        AQUA PIMP
                        AQUA PIMP......
                        "SALTWATER PIMP'N AIN'T EZ"



                        • #27
                          Welcome aboard.. Chocolate can be tricky to us newbies there. Just take it easy and watch your surroundings


                          • #28
                            Life is like a box of chocolates
                            May your rod never go limp


                            • #29
                              Welcome aboard.
                              Mirrolure Pro Staff


                              • #30

