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  • #16
    Yeah my central A/C went out so I went on 2 window shakers, as I'm looking at a total rebuild job for the HVAC. Then the veterinarian says my boy dog gots STDs, like doggie claps or something. I started up the old Ford pickup and it cut a fart and blew a hole in the exhaust. The cops say I should take care of that and I got the warning ticket to prove it. My garden wasn't doing no good and my farmer friend said my maters was "fested" with nematodes. Didn't bust a water line - yet!

    Thanks goodness for good friends, cold beer, hot women, and good fishing, or I'd have hanged it up.


    • #17
      that cap thing went out on ours some time back, of course had a couple of more than high bids everything from one saying we that the whole unit had to be replaced, finally got an honest company that found the problem, charged enough to make it worth it to them, but didnt rob the bank, we were back up and running within hours and its still up and running. A/C problems can be a serious b.


      • #18
        I hates it when I get them nematodes.
        From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


        • #19
          I had it once and just put som sav on it!!


          • #20
            Nematodes huh? Ya gotta hate it when that happens. At least tha wimmin are hot and tha fishin's still good. Could be worse. No cold beers? Better call for help.
            I was raised by an old Cowboy, therefore I am.


            • #21
              I got me a Nematoad hanging on the back of my sack that I've been trying to get rid of for over a year now. It wouldn't be so bad except for that on full moon nights when he starts croaking!
              Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.


              • #22
                Originally posted by 2112 View Post
                I got me a Nematoad hanging on the back of my sack that I've been trying to get rid of for over a year now. It wouldn't be so bad except for that on full moon nights when he starts croaking!
                That is funny. I love a good sense of humor! BTW, I had an old girlfriend that had one of those under her right....aw nevermind. I cut it off for her with my sharp pocketknife but it would still croak when it rained!
                I was raised by an old Cowboy, therefore I am.


                • #23
                  Haha. There are several good humored characters on this site. See ya in the water or at hooters soon.
                  Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.


                  • #24
                    Y'all making fun o' my Nemo Toad affliction, eh? It's bad fellas - not even that blue shampoo works on them boogers. Tried 7-dust, everything, and them swarming toads just going "ribbitt, ribbitt" and driving me nuts.

                    Then, being the good ole country boy I am, I decided to bury some steak bones in the garden, and set my wild mutts onto the hunt. They dug up them Nemo Toads all right - there ain't no garden left neither, just a bunch of holes where I had nice rows before.

                    And them dawgs just lying there, workin' on them bones, covered in happy croaking Nemo Toads.

                    Then this morning, my hot water heater blew up. Now you talk about bad luck, I flooded the yard and now them Nemo Toads is reproducing everywhar. Even the plumber noticed. "Psst hey son I don't want to sound rude or nottin', but you got ya one heckuva crop of Nemo Toades, don't take no offence."


                    • #25
                      Swells you are certifiably NUTS! Thank God for humor! If it wasn't for laughs and cold beer I'da shot everbody a long time ago!
                      I was raised by an old Cowboy, therefore I am.


                      • #26
                        Well I really did kerplode my water heater. If I couldn't laugh and tell some tall tales now and then ... well mama don't let me go to the post office no more!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Swells View Post
                          Well I really did kerplode my water heater. If I couldn't laugh and tell some tall tales now and then ... well mama don't let me go to the post office no more!
                          Why do you like to go to the post office? Ain'tchew gotta picher of yosef at home to look at?
                          I was raised by an old Cowboy, therefore I am.

