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Operation Game Thief!!

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  • #31
    Ignorance is no excuse... But if he was just a vacationer ignorant to the limit size a good one on one talk may have been the way to handle the situation... It sounds like he was keeping everything not knowing what he was keeping… Just saying… A hardhead, 2 croaker & 2 rat reds it sounds like he was ignorant to what he was keeping with the hardhead… None the less expensive lesson learned…
    We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


    • #32
      First of all, you did good Jeremy, But.... as stated below, you could have told the guy about our laws and waited till you got a reaction.. if the guy thanked you and put the fish back.. no problem. If he was an ******* about it, yea.. stick it to him.

      Originally posted by 2112 View Post
      I'm sorry but I feel sorry for the guy...he is from out of state on vacation with his family and dosen't seem to realize he is breaking the law. I would of said to him something like
      "Hey dude, I don't want to bust you're bubble on the haul but thoses reds are undersized game fish, I'd suggest in the future you release them or even get rid of them now because if you get caught with them it can be a hefty fine".
      Now on the other hand, if it was a obvious it was a bunch of local Yahoo's that didn't give a damn about the resource and where on a true meat haul I would had made the phone call and waited around to watch the bust.
      I'm just saying and Jeremy no matter what you or anyone else thinks of my opinion remember, it's just that.


      • #33
        Well done.


        • #34
          They were all dead when he came in. Even if you are from another state you know that you need a license to fish. When you get your license they give you a book.


          • #35
            No excuse-try telling a GW in another state you're just ignorant and I don't think he'll say , "Well ok, dump em out and have a good day."

            Like the freeze of 83, those Q-tips (snowbirds) in Port Mansfield were scooping up 6-10# trout in the port and bucketing them-most had no license and didn't give a rat's butt what they took/killed. Same I seen in Rockport and Galveston/Bolivar, out of staters filling buckets with our resources. When I fish in another state, I check the limits. I could understand a mix-up between a cutthroat trout versus a rainbow trout, but still would be cautious and try to know exact difference before keeping any. Stupid can be fixed by a hefty fine sometimes. IMH and worthless Opinion.

            WTG Jeremy.
            "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


            • #36
              Feeling sorry for the guy is the judge's job.

              Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
              Houston (Clear Lake City)


              • #37
                I wish I knew their number some odd years ago, before Ike. I would go camping with some family friends at KOA. I was fishing the bulkhead and catching bait for big croaker. The essays and their families were fishing next to me and they caught a flounder. Out of curiosity I walked over to look at the catch and all of them are asking each other for the size limit. I said limit is 14 inches and this one was 13, told em they need to throw it back its too small. I think I told em twice actually. Then went on with my fishing and next thing I know they're putting it in a stringer and tossing it over. The tail was chewed up on him a little bit but he still wouldn't have made legal with all of his tail.
                Yeah, and all the muchachas they call me big pappa, when I throw pesos their way!

