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Need some help with a situation...

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  • #16
    Sound's like to me he want's back on the hunting lease.......keep them eyes open special the ones in the back of your head.....good luck man.


    • #17
      I'm thinkin' you could find better friends. I've had and do have a bunch of friends that disappear and come back around when they need something. I never stop helping them out when they need me. But I've never had any stab me in the back like that. Only one of my friends ever did something like that back in high school. There are too many good people out there you can choose to be friends with that would be better options than to keep around a guy you know you can't trust.
      From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


      • #18
        I had a similar thing happen so I understand your frustration. One of my best friends that I did most of my hunting and fishing with sent me an email one night out of the blue. It basically was a list of all the things that were wrong with me and my life. After reading it, it wasn't things that I did, it was things that he did but was putting them onto me. I had others that knew him read it and they all to the person said that is him, not you.

        There were many things brought up and I won't go into all them, but I'll give you an idea. He said that I "better dealed him" all the time, WTF, I never once in my life did that to him. He did that to me ALL the time, and without a phone call to cancel. So I would turn down other offers to go hunt or fish and then get left high and dry. He also said that all I was about was looking for trophy trout and that I didn't appreciate the outdoors, huh? Yeah at the time I was pretty hot and heavy into looking to break the 30" mark, but that was my goal, how does that affect anyone else? Then there were some personal attacks, only one of which he had a point with, but there were reasons for it I won't go into to.

        To end up the email he asked if I wanted to get together so he could tell me all the rest of the things that were wrong with me and my life! Seriously. I found out later he had been drinking from a mutual friend. And was dealing with some family issues. I was also fishing alot more than him, and with other people so that might have had something to do with it? I haven't spoken to him since he did this three years ago, and he has told others he will never apologize for it, when he is clearly in the wrong according to all that have read the email. Plus I recently found out that his wife talks trash on me and has never spent more than 20 minutes with me in her life so how does she know me?

        I am a completely different person than I was 3 years ago. I have gone through alot since then. I have a different outlook on life, I look differently, I act differently, I say this because people can change, and in my case for the better. I wasn't perfect, and no one is, so should I be the bigger man and extend an olive branch, or just say F it?
        Last edited by Deke; August 26, 2010, 07:53 PM.
        Fire Gerald Myers and Kent Hance!


        • #19
          I've found through the years that folks just drift apart. People get busy making a living, raising a family, and just don't see old friends much.
          I'd rather fish alone anyway!
          "GET OFF MY REEF!"


          • #20
            Originally posted by PasadenaMan View Post
            You hit the nail on the head.

            Its kind of like a man cheats on his wife with another married woman
            The mistriss says she is going to going to divorce her current husband to marry the cheating man.

            So the Cheating man tries to mess things up with his wife to try to get her
            to divorce him.

            The Cheating mans mistriss decides not to leave her husband and work things out.

            Durring the affair the cheating man wanted to get his wife to ask for a divorce and acted bad or disrespectful.

            Now that the mistress wants to leave the Cheating Man and stay with her Husband.
            The Man that was cheating has to make things better with his wife and try not to make her ask for a divorce.
            I think I saw that on episode of "All my Children" last week.

            If the cheating man wouldve not fallen in love, it all wouldve worked out.


            • #21
              It was on "One Life to Live", not AMC!!!

              Sounds like some of his buddies put a burr in his saddle and he caught the heat-seen the same chit on deer leases when someone always shoots "their" entitled share when all others are passing on the same bucks that Bubba is killing-causes hard feelings and ultimately Bubba was told AMF. He likely caught the crud from his buddies about you hunting "all the time"-unless those others are gone, sounds like a new place to hunt is needed with new folks or team with Coe in his duck getting Gater tail boat and tell buddy if jealous of being able to hunt too much by you ya aint interested in being on lease. Been there-had 2 guys that hunted 1st 10 days of season and killed the best deer on the lease every year-even landowner got POd about them being there for 10 days straight and outlawed more than 4 days at lease at one time.
              "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


              • #22
                It was General Hospital ya'll!!!! Get it right!!!!!

                AQUA PIMP
                AQUA PIMP......
                "SALTWATER PIMP'N AIN'T EZ"



                • #23
                  I'd just be honest and tell him what you think and how you feel. Tell him your side of the story and forgive him if you think thats the best thing -- but you have to make it known that things arent the same and they wont ever be.

                  Especially if yall were good buds for a few years. Good luck.


                  • #24
                    Hunting leases have ruined many life long friendships. Thats why I avoid them. Saw it growing up and see it every couple of years at our lease. Someone gets crossed up and ends a friendship. Hope I donr get kicked off this year!!! Good luck you will find your way for whats best for you
                    Bacon Bacon Bacon!!!


                    • #25
                      Fark him and feed him fish heads or duck feathers or whatever you have handy... good friends are hard to come by...........It sounds like you just learned that one......... Just saying....... You know what you need to do......... Don't ever second guess your gut feeling....
                      We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


                      • #26
                        i agree that good freinds are hard to come by.... especially in the outdoors.. but i have had the same thing happen to me and it sucks.... me and a old buddy grew up hunting together and fishing then one day he said that i was hunting illegally cause i always shot deer or ducks when i went by myself..... he even tried to turn some of my other freinds against me but it didnt work........... a true freind is like family always regardless of what happens..... so i just moved on like u did and he contacted me and asked me to go hunting with him , i said ok but i never ask him to go............ let us know how it goes.... loosing a freind is hard but it sounds like you need to wear a plate of armor on your back around him just my 2 cents


                        • #27
                          Thanks for the words guys.
                          Agreed to meet him yesterday to have a couple drinks and bury the hatchet.
                          I was able to forgive him, but made it crystal clear that he was going to have to earn my trust back. I thought long and hard over it the past week over his request for forgivness. I came to realization that we all make mistakes, we are all human, we can all live from our mistakes and finally found forgiveness along with a willingness to give him another shot. I beleive after talking for three hours that he is sincere in his apology and seen the eror of his ways. After he left I did feel like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Time will tell.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by PasadenaMan View Post
                            You hit the nail on the head.

                            Its kind of like a man cheats on his wife with another married woman
                            The mistriss says she is going to going to divorce her current husband to marry the cheating man.

                            So the Cheating man tries to mess things up with his wife to try to get her
                            to divorce him.

                            The Cheating mans mistriss decides not to leave her husband and work things out.

                            Durring the affair the cheating man wanted to get his wife to ask for a divorce and acted bad or disrespectful.

                            Now that the mistress wants to leave the Cheating Man and stay with her Husband.
                            The Man that was cheating has to make things better with his wife and try not to make her ask for a divorce.
                            one final thought....this story reminds me of robalo in about the mid 90's and or muddskipper down here about few weeks ago. nevertheless, can you blame him/them if Laureen was the girl? i didnt think so.
                            Attached Files

