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Blockade Runners Invite: Nov. 19th through 23rd

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  • #16
    When are you leaving camp for NOLA?
    Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.


    • #17
      When my ice runs out.
      From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


      • #18
        Decided to stay another day. I worked all day today making porch railing supports. Had a visit from Wayner and his wife Joyce to break the monotony. It's just plain beautiful out here. Heard lots of shots this morning and this evening. Sounds like the duck hunters are having a good go of it around here. I fished this morning off the porch, but only caught small rats and a coupla puppy drum. Bait gone, ice almost gone, but just couldn't get everything inside finished how I wanted to. Hopefully I'll get it done tonight. Big day tomorrow. Headin' to the Big Easy. In case anyone is interested, VJER is copying the rockin' chair from the porch here. He's going to make as many as people will buy. See his ad in the garage.

        In case I'm not back on before it, y'all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
        From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


        • #19
          Hope you & your family have a great Thanksgiving. Be safe & enjoy!!!


          • #20
            I wanted to thank you Sandy for all of your hospitality the night I stayed. I had a very good time and would love to come stay another night and help out again.


            • #21
              Hey Sandy,
              Joyce and I enjoyed stopping by for a visit the other day. It was a nice break. Joyce is having sinus issues and stayed in bed all day Thanksgiving. I fished by myself. Only saw about 4 or 5 boats all day. Leaving from near mud cut I came across two men and two boys in a boat broke down. It was just a few hours before the front hit. Pulled them in. We were the only ones left on the parking lot. I can't even imagine how miserable if would be sitting in a broke down boat out in the bay with this front coming through. The thought makes me shiver. LOL!!!

              I put some brand new braided line on my reel yesterday and I've got a box full of live bait and a burning desire to go fishing but, with the temp and the wind both 40, I guess I'm just stay put and read. Looking on the bright side, I'm not having to do any Black Friday Shopping. Now, that is comforting.

              Have a good one.

              Children are pieces of our heart running around outside of our body.


              • #22
                You're welcome Alex, and thanks for the help.

                Wayne, I hope Joyce feels better soon. The weather should be improving throughout the day and tomorrow should be beautiful. People should be at BRs tomorrow. Go by and say hi.
                From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


                • #23
                  sandy you going to be out there the weekend of the 4th? i got the weekend off and could come help with something.


                  • #24
                    You betcha. Vic and Tony are headed down Friday afternoon and I'll be joining as soon as I can. I'll be staying out through Sunday afternoon. We should be finishing up the generator shed. I'm going to throw out an invite tomorrow night, but you're in bro! Let me know when to pick you up, unless you want to paddle out.
                    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


                    • #25
                      yea I'm down to come hang out, i need to see if i can get my friend to come let my dog out, if so i might come join for the whole weekend if there is room? I would also like to coordinate the food situation so that I am not a burden. I have tons of fish in my freezer as well as a couple limits of dove, I can also bring some groceries just let me know.

