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2 GLO Cabins up for bid!

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  • #46
    Well, you've gotta figure what it will be worth once it's finished too. But also remember, there's no such thing as insurance out there, not unless it's grandfathered. I'll tell y'all, there is nothing like having a place out there. I went 10 years without one and when I got into a new one, it was like I was re-born. A part of my life had really been missing for those 10 years.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


    • #47
      You know me Sandy,

      If i had time to dismantle and build a new one, i would go for it.

      But with having our place to build in Hackberry, I dont have time for that much less another project.. It sure would be nice though.
      Capt. Thomas Barlow


      • #48
        I think people will be shocked at what it will go for


        • #49
          The last two permits auctioned in the Land Cut area went for $40k and $50k. There has never been a public auction on the upper coast so we are in unchartered territory on the auction price for PC1489.
          Last edited by WestEndAngler; May 14, 2013, 10:33 AM.
          "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


          • #50
            So once you get the bid and sink all the fishing gear money you thought you had into it, do you get to renew the permit every five years for an unlimited number of years?

            Lets say you build one for 25k and in five years you can't renew for whatever reason. Will you see any of the money you put into it or does the GLO collect everything?

            Last question: How often do these camps come up for bid, especially the Titlum Tatlum camps? I imagine most keep renewing their permits until they get destroyed?
            Live every week like its shark week


            • #51
              From what I know (and it is not comprehensive knowledge by any means), you can renew your permit every five years forever as long as your camp continues to comply with GLO requirements. If the GLO requirements are changed, you have to come into compliance prior to renewal.

              You can sell your permit to another party but you have to have permission of the GLO to make the transfer.

              There has never been a permit auctioned on the upper coast. They have only auctioned off five or six permits in the last 10 years. They don't come up very often, thus the interest and the price.

              There are two big risks, both out of the permit holder's control: 1. Storms and 2. The GLO gets pressure due to budget or others to phase out the program - they are essentially private structures on public land.

              All that said, the permits are priceless for those that hold them.
              "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


              • #52
                There are a lot of rules to follow. The hardest issue to deal with is what to do with sewerage. You can't just dump into the marsh or bayou. I use a camper pottie and empty it in the port o let at the ramp . . . . . which has become a MUCH BIGGER ordeal since they moved the port o let about 80 yards from the ramp. I do hope they move it back. You've got to keep the place clean and police your trash, and anyone else's trash that happens to wash up. Many camps have lawns that need to be cut. 1489 is in a more marshy area, so I don't see that being necessary there. Yes, if you don't follow the rules, they can pull your permit. The ladies in the GLO office have always been good to me in identifying problems before they became serious issues. I will say this: Before you build ANYTHING, make sure it's approved. Nothing worse than having to tear up something you just put together.

                Another problem you'll have with 1489 is the tear down and removal. There is absolutely no burning allowed, which means it all has to be hauled out by boat.

                When it's all said and done though . . . . it really is priceless.
                From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


                • #53
                  You know whats a trip about that cabin...after Ike and all its destruction to that cabin. When one boated pass it you could see inside and there was a book shelf that had all the books in it like nothing ever happened.
                  Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.


                  • #54
                    I had the same experience after Hurricane Alicia. We went to un-board and look after my folks place in Jamaica Beach. Some of the houses were untouched and other completely decimated. a few had been torn half apart with exterior and interior walls missing, but then there would be a glass front cabinet with nick-nacks and dust collecteres still on the shelves. Very spooky.
                    "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


                    • #55
                      Well the sad part of that whole camp's story is this......Several years ago, the state decided if you had built up a bulkhead with concrete walls, wood, or sacks of concrete, you had to remove them. It was during the same time they decided if you had a septic tank and field line you had to cap them off and haul your waste out.....2 stupid mistakes by GLO IMO.

                      The two ladies that owned it removed the bulkheads, and first storm through took most of their land right up to the pililgs.....it was downhill for them from that point on.

                      My family has had a camp on Titlum Tatlum since 1983. Matter of fact I saw it on your Video posted in this thread.,

