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FWE Enthusiast
Last Activity: November 26, 2022, 09:09 PM
Joined: November 19, 2008
Location: League City
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One Inch Over and Under - 7 Dec 2010 (Topic in the Kayak Forum forum)
December 8, 2010, 06:00 PM
One more time (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
March 2, 2012, 05:34 PM
One of our own on the Star leaderboard! (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
July 17, 2011, 07:35 AM
One of the best days of 2011 (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
December 23, 2011, 03:11 PM
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May 28, 2012, 07:32 PM
One phone call i hope i never get again! (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
April 26, 2011, 08:31 AM
OOOOH, My Tummy..... (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
November 25, 2011, 10:36 AM
open invite (Topic in the Kayak Forum forum)
February 2, 2011, 01:16 PM
Open Spot on the Boat (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
October 21, 2013, 07:13 PM
Orange County Fishing (Topic in the West End Forum forum)
February 23, 2013, 07:55 PM
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